Friday, May 13, 2016

Momentum (Endless blog tour)

Hello friends. Today I would like to welcome back the talented Misha Gerrick, who will be taking over my blog today. Please, show her some support. 

When I was a young writer (okay, I’m still young, but I’ve been at this writing gig for 14 years now.), I used to believe firmly in writing only when the inspiration struck. If I felt inspired, I could write thousands of words in a few days. I not. Well. I’d be frustrated and discouraged and impatient, waiting for my inspired feeling to return.

As I gained more experience, though, things changed. I realized more and more that writing is a different kind of magic than the one we’re taught to expect. It’s not (necessarily—I’m not speaking for everyone here) all passion and inspiration.

It is, however, the best job in the world.

I’d like to make it my full time job. Right now, I often have at most two hours a day in which to write. So if I ever had it, I no longer have the luxury of waiting for inspiration to strike.

Instead, I’ve had to choose “office hours” and show up to write. And the interesting thing I discovered doing this was that—for me at least—inspiration wasn’t the thing to look for. It was momentum.

Getting writing as soon as I sit down and adding as many words as I can, and doing the same thing again tomorrow. I believe that inspiration never really leaves once it struck the first time with the story idea. But after we have the first idea that makes us write the story, it becomes our job to actually write it. If we get stuck, we need to figure it out. And yes, a new burst of inspiration does help.

I just don’t like stopping my momentum to wait for it. Because more often than not, the inspiration happens because I’m on a roll. So I try not to think too much unless I really get truly stuck. And even then, I just skip over to something else while I wait for momentum to bring loosen the gears in my mind once more.

How do you deal with inspiration? Is it the be-all and end-all of your writing?

About the Book

First, do no harm.” Blake Ryan swore that oath to become a doctor. Ironic, given that he spent most of his thousand year life sucking souls out of other immortals.

Things are different now. Using regular shots of morphine to keep his inner monster at bay, Ryan has led a quiet life since the Second World War. His thrills now come from saving lives, not taking them.

Until a plane crash brings Aleria into his hospital. Her life is vibrant. Crack to predators like him. She’s the exact sort of person they would hunt, and thanks to a severe case of amnesia, she’s all but defenseless.

Leaving Aleria vulnerable isn’t an option, but protecting her means unleashing his own inner monster. Which is a problem, because his inner monster wants her dead most of all.

About the Author

Misha Gerrick lives near Cape Town, South Africa, and can usually be found staring at her surroundings while figuring out her next book.

If you’d like to see what Misha’s up to at the moment, you can find her on these social networks:


  1. Misha, I like that you don't wait for inspiration anymore to write. Momentum is a great driving force. Wishing you much success and continued momentum!

    Hi, Murees. :)

  2. Wait for inspiration and you might wait forever. When I'm writing, it's a couple hours a night no matter what.

  3. I had to do the same thing back when I was balancing a day job and writing. If I waited for inspiration, I never would have written anything. But I always had a notebook on me at my day job, so that if inspiration did it, I could record it. Fortunately, I had a job where that was all right.

    Congrats on the new book, Misha!

    1. Thanks M.J. I also have a notebook with me to note down inspirations. But a funny thing happened. Because I show up regularly to write, it's almost as if my inspiration waits until I've settled down to get going.

  4. I like that momentum over inspirations. Makes senses too. Congrats on the book release.
    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

  5. I seldom feel inspired. I just keep going.


    1. Yeah I think inspiration is usually just the first spark of the idea. After that, it's grafting that gets the job done.

  6. Hi Murees and Misha - well done to Misha for her book tour .. and good luck to you both. Being ready to write each time you sit down and have that chance ... must make it easier to get some ideas out onto 'paper or screen' ... Momentum keeps us on the road - inspiration gives us a sparkle to write something special .. cheers Hilary

    1. Hi, Hilary. Thank you for the visit:)

    2. I agree with you. Showing up has actually made inspiration more likely for me. But yeah, I guess I depend less on inspiration and that means I don't put as much pressure on myself to be inspired.

  7. I am one of the naughty ones that wait for inspiration. Which could explain why I haven't been so successful in completing a few other writing projects. I'm learning now though that one has to write even when you don't feel like it. Consistency is definitely important:)

    1. Yeah. Even if it's only for a few minutes or a few hundred words every day.


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