Saturday, October 2, 2010


I am finally done with my editing (loud scream for effect).

It has taken me a while but I am done. I must say I am relieved. It was becoming like the never ending battle. Even though I still have to give the finished product to my romance novel loving sister to proofread. Even then I can just tweak it where ever she might have encountered a problem but the ''working through the novel with a fine tooth comb'' part is finally over.

Must say that I did learn a lot during the whole process. The next novel I write will definitely have the proper formatting and I will apply all the new knowledge I have learned to my next project. So editing the next novel should be easier, in theory.

I am just smiling like a fool right now. Well I am off to get my much deserved sleep.


  1. Great news! It is a great feeling of accomplishment. I like reading you say, the next novel. Give your brain a short break and get back to it!

  2. Yeah it does feel great. Almost as if I can finaly breath again. And I agree, I need a break before taking on the next one.


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