Sunday, May 1, 2011


Well Everyone we did it! Congratulations! We completed the A-Z challenge and man was it a fun but a bit of an exhausting ride. Thank you Arlee and the Whole A-Z team for this great challenge.

I also received an awesome award from Elizabeth Mueller at Thank you so much.

The A-Z challenge has definitely shown me how important social networking is. You meet new and inspiring people daily. It was fantastic. I also learned to give a little more consideration to my posts before I put it out there for the whole world to read.

It was absolutely amazing meeting all of you. This is not Good-Bye, because I will still be stopping by your blogs from time to time. But I think most of us will probably be taking a few days off to rest and catch up on some much needed sleep. Well I am off to bed. Thank you very much for the fun time.


  1. Great job! I'm so glad we did this and I'm glad we both finished! Good for us!

  2. Heather - Thank you. Yes, I am very proud of both of us. We did do a great job if I have to say so myself.

  3. Congratulations and enjoy your rest!
    I look forward to being a regular reader :)

  4. Brianna - Thank you. Congratulations to you as well. I look forward to having you back regularly and be assured that I will visit you regularly as well. It is so weird having to fall back into my old blogging routine.

  5. Congrats on finishing, I developed a laptop virus partway through so I cheated a couple of letters.

    Glad to follow you, that is when you get back.

  6. I had a blast with A-Z! phew- its over and regular stuff takes over again.

  7. Wanton Redhead Writing - Thank you so much for following my blog. The most important part is that you participated. It is great meeting you.

    Summer - So very true. I am finding it weird to get back into the swing of normal blogging.

  8. I'm still trying to make it to all the blogs that participated in A to Z. Just think how exciting it will be next year with even more blogs to visit.

  9. Patricia - I shamefully have to admit that I did not make it to all the blogs. I was too busy replying and keeping up with my new followers. Thank you for stopping by and for following my blog.


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What is the point?

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