Saturday, June 8, 2013


I know this is very last minute, but I needed to tell you guys about the followers blog hop, which will be hosted by the awesome and funny Melissa Chesley over at writings, musings and other such nonsense on 10 June 2013. Yes, I know it is on Monday, but there is still time to sign up.

If you want more followers or simply want to help other individuals gain more followers then this is the blog hop for you. All you have to do is sign up at the linky list below and write a post on the 10th of June and include all the links that you want your new followers to follow you at. Of course, you have to disable Captcha in order to make leaving comments easier. As usual with a blog hop, you visit the other individuals on the linky list, follow them and leave a comment of you doing so. Easy right?

On to the pineapple upside down cake. As you know, I have started to read the Stephanie Plum series and have now become an addict. If you read those novels you are always hungry and salivating at the wonderful food descriptions and the fantastic cuisine the main character is always exposed to. Not to mention that the men make you want to drool too. Well, I emailed Ms Evanovich and told her about how great she was and how I loved her books (because I honestly wish that I had written these books) and in response, her assistant provided me with a recipe for her pineapple upside down cake, which also happens to be the favourite of the main character in her Stephanie Plum novels. Of course I baked it myself and it was delicious. You can find the recipe here. It is easy and delicious and not even I could make this a flop and I am not a baking type of person.


  1. Sounds like a great blog-hop, but as I'm in the middle of my blog tour I can't take part - I really struggle with multi-tasking :-) The cake looks lovely!

  2. Annalisa - No problem, I fully understand. I was really happy that I got the recipe right on the first try, which is always rare for me.

  3. hey there! Blog hopping around today on the Follower's tour... I love the Stephanie Plum books too! Have a nice day!

  4. Shayla - Thank you! It is so great to meet a fellow Stephanie Plum fan.

  5. that is pretty cool that she sent you the recipe...pineapple upside down cake is awesome as well...

  6. Brian - I thought it was great too. I was excited for days after. And the cake did taste fantastic, especially after I added lots of whipped cream. Yum! Thank you for the visit.


Feel free to leave comments. I love comments. But no spam, or hate speech. Your comments will be deleted, and I'd wish you a painful death, and your soul to turn to nothingness.

What is the point?

Today I was plagued with the idea, why? And why?  Everywhere these days there's a silent rule imposed by some invisible person or person...