Friday, June 14, 2013


You guys know how I hate my current place of employment, right? And you guys remember how I did not fit in there and people were, or should I say are mean to me? Well, my contract is expiring at the end of this month, so my boss brought me a contract of renewal and I signed on for another year...

I just could not say no, at least not until I have another job. Please don't be mad at me. I am going to give in my resignation as soon as I find another job, in the meanwhile, I will still get paid. I need the money, even though I believe my co-workers are the spawn of satin, out to destroy anyone with free will and who can think. Though, today I felt like telling my boss to stick his job where the sun don't shine and I called my co-worker a mediocre human being. It was not nice, but she deserved it, honest. My boss actually told me that I had a perfectionist mentality and that I had to lower my standards to be able to work at the company. Can you believe that? All I am telling myself is, "get a new job and until that happens, save as much of your salary as possible." 

Another things is, in two months my contract with my agent will expire too and unless my book sells in the next few months, I will be back in the query trenches or back in the writing another book to submit mode. Still too early to tell. 

Not doing much on the creative front these days, just reading. I love reading, but I wish the writing would kick in. Most people would use their crappy experiences as writing inspiration, me...I just feel sorry for myself and I don't have the energy to use it. Besides, I don't want to make them feel special by writing about the meanies. 

What are you guys up to?


  1. OMG I think you made the correct decision. Any job is better than no job even one as terrible as that one sounds.

    Best of luck finding something new. Sending you good vibes to see you through!

  2. I agree that saying no to the contract without another job to go to would have been a bad move.

    Fingers crossed your book is picked up soon too :-)

  3. I agree that you shouldn't have resigned from your current position without having a new one. I had a friend who did that and it was just a bad situation all around.

    I hope your book gets picked up soon!

  4. Yes, do not leave unless you have a plan to make more money or another fulltime job. In the meantime, maybe there are some mind tricks you can use to make the job more enjoyable. Like finding one good thing to remember about Satin's spawn, or purposely being sickly sweet to them and going out of your way to make conversations with them. It sounds cheesy...i know.

    Good luck with your book. I hope you find a publisher, it becomes a bestseller, and then you can tell your boss to take the job and shove it.

  5. Jai - Thank you! I am grateful for the good vibes!

    Annalisa - Thank you. I definitely thought that it would be the grown up thing to do.

    M.J. - Thank you! I had left a bad job before and I did not have another job for a long time, which is why I went with the safe route this time.

    Constance - Thank you! You gave me some great ideas here, I will try to be nice, but it is just so hard.

  6. I'm bust at stupid job number 376. You're smart to stay on until you find the job of your dreams. I'm keeping my fingers tightly crossed.

  7. Isn't being an adult who pays the bills the pits? I think holding down a job, especially one you hate, just rots.

    Good for you. The creative front will come, just keep in touch!

  8. Kelly - Thank you for the kind words. I am just trying to hang on at the moment.

    Katie - Thank you! Yeah, being an adult it not so great right now. I am hoping the writing muse will come and distract me.

  9. Murees, thanks so much for helping me promote Sebastian Falls! You're a darling.

    I don't blame you for keeping your job. You have to do what it takes to make it until your 6 figure deal comes in. In the meantime, keep believing. If we don't have dreams, we have nothing. I just know your ship is about to pull in the harbor and toot its horn. Get ready!!!! :)

  10. Celeste - Thank you! That is the kindest thing to say. Just let me know when you are available to guest post on my blog.


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What is the point?

Today I was plagued with the idea, why? And why?  Everywhere these days there's a silent rule imposed by some invisible person or person...