Friday, November 29, 2013

Exciting day

Yesterday was quite an exciting day. I had quite a few driving challenges, but I made it through the day. I just took it really slow, ignoring the irritated drivers behind me and kept in my lane. Although my nerves kept chewing at my composure, I remained calm. If I panicked, my sister would have panicked too, as she is not used to people driving her around. Luckily my sister knew exactly where we had to go; it was just a matter of me never having driven there before.

I ended up spending most of the day in the car yesterday, taking my sister on unplanned errands, but it was all okay in the end. I didn’t have an accident, which I had dreaded, which is all that matters really. But let me tell you, I slept like a baby last night after all that driving. 


  1. Glad it all went well. The more you drive, the easier it gets - but if you don't get the chance much, I suggest hiding the car keys from your siblings so you HAVE to be the one to drive :-)

  2. Driving is one of those challenges that when you become comfortable you wondered why you ever wondered about it. Good luck!

  3. Well done you! Having been driven around for far too many years by my husband, he is now in failing health, so guess who has to 'learn' to drive again!

  4. Good job, Murees! I'll bet you did better than you expected and you managed to stay calm, excellent!
    So glad to hear your news!

  5. Hi Murees - practise makes life easier .. so keep on driving. Glad that you've got the opportunity and maybe they'll let you do more in the future ..

    Cheers Hilary

  6. Annalisa - Hahah! I should have to try it. I don't mind not driving, but when I am asked to drive, I am out of practice and I stress more about the task at hand than I should. I rather like being driven.

    Pat - Thank you and your words are so true. These few days showed me that driving isn't that scary. But I don't really like doing so much of it.

    Carole - Don't worry, you can do it. You are an amazingly resourceful woman that can do anything. I wish you and your husband all the best. I didn't know his health was still failing, I'm sorry.

    Deanie - Thank you! I did a lot better than I expected. I seriously thought I was going to get into an accident or something, but I made it through.

    Hilary - I sure hope so. I did really well, so maybe they will allow me to drive more and practice definitely makes life easier.

  7. Yeah driving can be exhausting. I remember how stressed I was when I was still learning.

  8. I'm glad everything went all right with the driving. :)

  9. Misha - I cringe at the thought of having to learn how to drive again. Now that was a bad time.

    Kimberly - Thank you. I am so relieved it is over now.

  10. Yeay! Good for you. I'm glad it all worked out okay.


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