Monday, May 12, 2014

When things go right

Today is a great day for me. Why? Because today I woke up knowing exactly what I want to do with the rest of my life. I have been feeling really lost since I quit my awful job last year and having been unemployed for almost a year. But now, for the first time in my life I have the opportunity to have a say in my employment status. How you ask? Because I am going to be my own boss. I have committed myself to becoming a self-published writer.

I know what most of you think "You can't make a living off that when you are starting out and an unknown writer." Well, I am currently broke and sponging off my family, so when I'm self-published at least I will be doing something that I have been wanting to do for the last 7 years. Yep, that is how long I have been working on this book. I will be doing a job I love and would find stimulating.

For a long time I have been in denial of this fact, but I am a creative person with a creative personality. I want to wake up each morning knowing that I am living my life the way I want to live it and doing the things I love. For me life is too short and after that horrid job from last year, I couldn't see or imagine myself going back to any kind of job I was not passionate about.

Right now I am still helping out my brother and I have even been flexing my entrepreneurial muscles by offering to take over my family members' chores for a fee. Hey, I have to make money some way. Every penny I am making I am putting towards my potential book expenses like a cover, formatting, etc. Unfortunately I cannot afford professional editing, no matter how much I save. I will ask a few people to read my MS and get their input and try and make the manuscript as perfect as I can. I know many of you don't approve, but this is the best I can do at this point.

The best thing about working for my brother and doing chores is that I get to have lots of revising and editing time. This weekend I got a lot of editing done, which left me sporting a stupid grin all weekend. And yes, we might be adults, but my mom still makes us do chores. It keeps us humble.


  1. When my co-workers start freaking out over things that were done or not done during a shift, I tell them that as long as they go home knowing that they honestly did the very best they could that day, then the rest didn't matter. Because all we can every do every day is our best.

    Congrats on the decision. It's a big, exciting deal, and I'm excited for you.

  2. Hi Murees - yes absolutely go for it - so well done and am delighted you're in the positive 'go frame of mind'

    Take care .. and all the very best - Hilary

  3. M.J. - Thank you. I hope my best will be good enough in the end. You are the best.

    Hilary - Thank you. You are always so wonderful and supportive. Right now I feel like I can do anything.

  4. Good luck, so pleased you have decided, with your determination you will succeed!

  5. Good luck, so pleased you have decided, with your determination you will succeed!

  6. Carole - Thank you, those are very kind words. It is great to finally know what I want.

  7. It's a huge decision, but so worth it. It took me a long time to realise I have a creative soul. I wasted so much time doing what other people thought I should do.

    Follow your dreams and go for it!

  8. Ellie - Thank you. That is awesome advice. You Rock!

  9. That's really awesome! I applaud your decision and wish you the best of luck. Doing something we're passionate about but maybe for less money I think far out weighs doing something we hate JUST to make a living. You go girl!
    Tina @ Life is Good
    On the Open Road! @ Join us for the 4th Annual Post-Challenge Road Trip!

  10. Tina - Thank you for your encouraging words.

    LD - Thank you. You're amazing.

  11. We have one life. We must enjoy it :) here's to a great ride!!!

  12. Karla - Thank you. You are awesome.

  13. WOO HOO! You can totally make money off of self publishing. There are authors that have sold over a million copies with their self published books. I'm telling you- it happens. And it can happen. And it's awesome.

    Check out 'The Naked Truth about Self Publishing' for an awesome read for anyone wanting to think of this as a business and is just getting into it. Loved, loved it.

  14. Katie - Thank you. You are awesome as always. I bought the e-book and I can't wait to read it. The cover is pretty sexy...


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