Wednesday, July 16, 2014

When a dog gets the better of you

My chef sister was off today and needed to take her dog to the vet. Because her dog is a rather big dog she needed my help taking the dog to the vet. After all, the dog is such a cutie.

Anyway, the appointment went well and my sister's dog was very well behaved. My sister stayed behind to pay and I took the dog's leash from my sister to take the dog for a walk. Instead I ended up on a light jog to what I hoped was a toilet break and not an attempt to run away in anger.

In the end all she wanted was to go back to the car and she had ended up dragging me behind her in her search for the correct car. Finally at some point I realized that she only wanted to go back to the car and once there, she calmed down. Duh.

A few minutes later my sister came out laughing.
"What's so funny?" I said, petting her dog.
She said, "Everyone inside the vet's office saw you running with the dog and one guy said 'there is a lady in the parking lot being dragged around by a dog'."

What can I say, my life is anything but boring.


  1. Ah. I've had many of these dog-related incidents. And, yes, the dog always seemed to get the better of me!

    Ellie Garratt

    1. Oh, thank goodness I am not alone. I don't mind being bested by a dog.

  2. I think the computer ate my first comment...So I'm going to leave it again, and I'm sorry if it ends up posting twice.


    I currently have two fingers on my left hand that don't bend because of a dog-related incident.

    And my brother's St. Bernard once dragged me through a parking lot on leash. Thank goodness my own dogs don't do that...No, they just break my fingers. =)

    1. Sorry about the broken fingers. Now I think I got off lucky.

  3. I love dogs. I wish I could have one, but my apartment building doesn't allow them, which is so unfair. I like dogs because I can always count on them for a happy greeting. The dog you described sounds very determined!

    1. She is too cute, but vet visits are never easy. I am so sorry you can't have a dog at the moment. But you are right, no matter what, they are always happy to see you. They even take it upon themselves to cheer you up when you are sad.

  4. After being dragged around by her three large predecessors, when we went to the animal shelter the last time, I told them my only requirements for adoption were: I wanted a girl and I had to be able to pick her up and carry her if need be. And now we have Sophie and life is so much easier.

    1. That is so smart to choose a dog you can carry. It is really nice to know that I was not the only one who got dragged. I guess it happens to everyone.


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