Monday, January 12, 2015

Charlene the Star and Bentley Bulldog

Deanie Humphrys-Dunne has a new book out called Charlene the Star and Bentley Bulldog. Like all of Deanie’s books it is a good book for children filled with wonderful lessons that are presented in a way that is still entertaining. As always, the illustrations are wonderful.

You can purchase a copy here. Enjoy!


  1. Just went to check it out on Amazon. It's great that it's a series. Congrats to Deanie. and best of luck to you!

    1. Thank you M.J. I know Deanie appreciates all the support.

  2. Thanks Murees for the lovely review of Bentley Bulldog! Holly and I also appreciate the kind comments from M. J. and Alex. My sister designed the cover as well as the illustrations. She's an amazing artist!

  3. Deanie always has good books with life lessons. I'm sure this one is no exception.

  4. Thank you Sherry and Murees! We appreciate your kind words.

  5. Always good to get a good book rec! thanks!!

  6. Thanks for your kind words, everyone. Charlene the Star and Bentley Bulldog is now out on Kindle too!

  7. Congratulations to Deanie!
    Her covers are always so appealing!

  8. It's totally time for me to get back into picture books. My youngest is 8, so I thought we had kind of moved past that stage and was focusing on MG titles, but with our new little one on the way, it's time to stockpile some gems for bedtime stories. Yay! Great to have an excuse. =)

    Congrats Deanie!

    1. Me and my sisters still have all our picture books from when we were kids. Enjoy stockpiling those new books.


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