Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Confidence (IWSG)

When I first started this blog, my writer's confidence was at an all time high and my personal confidence low. When I started this blog I thought I was a good writer and everyone would realize that I was talented. Well, not only didn't things pan out that way, I'm very happy it didn't.

Now I have more confidence as a woman and human, thanks to this great community. My writer's ego has gotten a few very worthy knocks of truth and perspective. I really needed that because I believe I am better for it. My writing confidence I can always work on, though I wish I had the imagination like when I first started. I had turned out three books in those first few blogging years and now I can't even get through my rewrites without regular naps and breaks. My point is, the reality and truth of how hard things are has set me on a better coarse. It didn't look so at first, but I am truly happy and my confidence in my writing is returning, but this time it is the good kind (promise). Nothing like a little humility to put things in perspective.

I am still and I think will always be insecure about my writing. My fault is that I still care too much about what my writing peers might think of my work. Will they hate my writing? Will they be embarrassed to have supported a fake/terrible writer (me) all these years? My writing confidence will always be a work in progress and for now...that is fine with me.

The Insecure Writers Support Group was created by the talented Mr. Alex J. Cavanaugh so that writers can share their insecurities and/or encourage others who need support with their own. You can visit Alex Here, or if you want to join us in discussing our insecurities on the first Wednesday of each month, you are welcome to join by going Here.


  1. You're too hard on yourself. We all start out as terrible writers. (If we decided to play an instrument, we'd all be terrible at that in the beginning too.) In years of learning technique, I also learned how much I didn't know, and that once you learn all the rules, you then can start breaking them all just like the successful authors. Just write and be happy!

  2. I think it's normal to worry about what our peers think. It's not about wanting to be loved by everyone, but about wanting to create something that is valuable to others.

    1. Very true, I want to write a quality book. Thank you for your kind words.

  3. Ditto. I sometimes think of myself as a "fake" writer. I bite my nails ans think "will people finally realize I have NO idea what I'm doing? I'm winging this whole thing? Will they be mad at supporting a phony?" Then I think, WAIT. I'm not a phony. I'm only what I believe I am, what I choose to be. And right now it's an aspiring author who is in the middle of her journey. No one starts out knowing it all/being perfect. You have to develop technique. You have to learn and grow. Keep at it and keep the faith.

  4. That's growth, girl! Not always a pleasant feeling, I know, but we're better off in the long run for it. :)

    1. Thanks! Its tough at first, but you are so right.

  5. Confidence is like an ocean's waves, it comes and goes. I think that the more you write, and the more you learn about how you work as a writer, your confidence will become more constant. I have finally reached a high point in my writer's confidence, and it feels great! You'll get there, too! (But it's certainly okay to be insecure about your writing. Those words are like your babies)

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words. It is great that your confidence is at a high. You are reaping the benefits of your hard work.

  6. Every single one of us is on a learning path. I don't think there is one person who writes a perfect story, every time on the first try!

    1. Thank you! That does make me feel better. I don't mind learning.

  7. I think you need to be insecure about your writing, because that way you'll always try to be better and not settle. It's a good thing :-)

    1. Thank you Annalisa. That is very true. I definitely don't want to settle.

  8. Yeah, I don't think any of us ever truly vanquish insecurity entirely. As long as we don't give up, it's all good.

    1. Very true. I refuse to give up. I'm too stubborn.

  9. I started with a lot of energy and enthusiasm and got quickly knocked down a few pegs, too. It smarted for awhile, and then I started developing past that. The writing world is not what we all think (at least, not in my experience), and there has to be that moment we learn this. Or several moments. I'm glad you've come through it with renewed confidence and knowledge. I think that's when real authors are birthed. We're like phoenixes.

    1. That is an amazing outlook. I like it! Yes, we are going to rise from the ashes to be victorious indeed. Thank you for cheering me up.

  10. If you now have more confidence as a person, then that's awesome.
    A little insecurity is good. Keeps things in perspective when it comes to our writing.

  11. We all keep an open mind about learning, Murees. It's healthy that we do. I wrote my first book in 2009 and it's been revised. There are always ways to improve our work. It's great that you're working on your skills and feeling more comfortable. Perseverance always brings rewards, I think.

    1. Thank you Deanie. I am doing all I can to persevere.

  12. I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason - if something doesn't pan out the way you wanted it to, then something better will come along. I think it's fantastic that you have more personal confidence as a result of blogging! That will definitely feed into your confidence as a writer. And I think we both know that ALL writers have insecurities - even when they don't make any sense! It comes with the territory ;). So long as you're comfortable and happy in yourself, only good things can come your way :).

    1. Thank you Rachel! Those are amazing words and I appreciate it a lot.

  13. Hi Murees - looks like you're on that wonderful learning curve that is with us throughout life ... and being in this supportive group is so helpful. Everyone is unique and individual .. which allows us to do our thing - and doing that thing to the best that we can today, tomorrow will give us a new perspective ... take care and keep going .. cheers Hilary

    1. Thank you Hilary! The learning curve was steep, but I got through it and now I look forward to creating better work.

  14. I often feel like a fraud… and I also care too much about what my writing peers might think of my work.
    I mean, what do I really know about writing and publishing a book? That's for "real" writers...
    ...and I'm so far behind every other writer, all who have been writing for decades. *sighs*
    But I won’t give up.

    1. Please, don't give up. Your writing is really good. Your short fiction packs a big punch and I can't wait for when you write a novel.

  15. Love your confidence about yourself. Your writing confidence needs work. Okay, we're all lacking in confidence. BUT, look at your writing. Do you love the story? Do you love writing? Don't try to please anyone except yourself. Take criticism (never easy) but remember IT'S YOUR STORY.

    1. Thank you Diane. I do love my story and feel that it is something special. But I do have to work on my confidence.

  16. Hi Murees - you're there and you are writing - the main thing is to continue to write ... and practise .. after all many people after long successful careers still say they practise .. be it writing, music, learning new acting skills etc ...

    Keep going and all will be well - cheers Hilary

    1. Thank you Hilary. Your words are so true and I agree. I will keep on practicing.


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