Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Crafting goes alien

A while ago I decided to embrace my creative side and decided to make something out of butchers string. Well, I have to warn you, not even I know what it's supposed to be. I started out with an idea of wanting to make a tree, but it ended up being something completely different. 

This is just a piece of cardboard, butchers string and glue. I tried to make a tree shape. At this point I think it kind of resembles a tree, or if you're my brother you'd think it looks like a lollipop. And then I decided to take things a bit further and then this happened. 

In my defence I was trying to create branches, but it ended up looking like wings. And to make sure others could see it's meant to be a tree I added roots, but it ended up looking like legs instead. Okay, now even I have to admit it looks more like some evil plant than a tree. But my brother? He got so excited because he thought I was creating my own alien species. 

At least I enjoyed the whole process, even if I don't know what it is. 


  1. Could be an alien angel. I see angel wings.

  2. I think it looks like a very cool angelic, tentacled alien! From the first pic, I thought it was a key hole. That works in a way because by creating something that's open to interpretation, you're unlocking everyone's imagination!

    1. Thank you! I like that everyone sees something different.

  3. Hahaha yeah I also see the alien angel. ;-)

    Hey! What a cool title for a book.

    1. That's a great idea Misha, thank you! I could have created a character for a new book and I didn't even realize it.

  4. Ooh an angel with tentacles?! It can reach out and touch more lives that way :)

    1. Thank you. That is a wonderful way to look at it.

  5. Pretty. Looks like some voodoo thing.

  6. Very cool! I give you credit for trying something different and sharing your work. I would be chicken, no doubt.
    I love the alien angel idea and how fun if you end up with a new book character!

    1. Thank you. I really enjoyed playing around and trying to create something.

  7. Haha everyone's talking about it as an alien angel. That sounds very cool and unique. At least you had fun. Creativity is all about going with flow, you never know what you're gonna get. Thanks for sharing your creativity. Have fun creating more! :))

    1. Thank you so much! It was so much fun and I felt so pleased with the end result. Have a great weekend.

    2. That's great to hear. Thank you! Hope you have a great weekend too! =)


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