Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Losing my mind a little

Last night I felt a little crazy. Yes people, I do get a little crazy from time to time. Of course the type of things I loose my cool over might not be what the rest of you might think is acceptable.

Last night I was ready to catch up on blog comments and do some much needed research on self-publishing, when our Internet provider decided that I was not going to do any of it. Normally when I know the internet will be off, I finish things ahead of time and I guess I get my planning right. Last night, for no reason, the internet was off and I could feel my eyes twitch. But it's okay, I got a little reading done and got a few ideas for a book, so I guess it wasn't all bad.

I noticed that when I'm not connected to the internet, or have the temptation to check blogs, or other forms of social media, my concentration is better and I end up getting more things done. I know many bloggers have mentioned that social media can be addictive and a distraction, but I thought I would be immune to social media and other distractions. Well, I'm guilty of getting distracted rather easily.

These days I only check Twitter and Pinterest (which is now only for my personal use) regularly, and of course I check out what is going on in the blogging world (This is where I spend most of my time). I rarely use Facebook, Goodreads and Google+ these days. I prefer Twitter because I can just scan through my lists and know what everyone is up to, without giving up too much of my time. Also, I spend a lot of time reading and replying to emails. See, it's not that bad :)

How do you cope with social media? How much time do you spend using it?


  1. That's why I only focus on blogging with a little Twitter. And Google+ once a day. I think the key is to not overwhelm.
    Sometime stepping away from the Internet is a good thing, although not when you have plans for research. (And we have some good stuff about self-publishing listed at the IWSG site.)

    1. Thank you, Alex. I do tend to overwhelm myself sometimes. Heading over to the IWSG site now.

  2. I spend entirely too much time on social media. Pinterest and Twitter are currently my biggest time sucks, with Blogger and Facebook close behind. Sometimes, I think about how much more work I would get done if I would only unplug from the internet every now and then. And then I go on Pinterest and search for Buffy the Vampire Slayer pins.

    If my internet was off for no reason, I would not bear it nobly.

    1. Pinterest is the best for making my ideas come to life. Thank you for your honest comment:)

  3. Maybe it was a blessing in disguise :) - you got some reading done and got some ideas for a book, which is awesome! I find that whenever I take a break from social media, I feel a lot better mentally. That's why I don't use Facebook anymore. I can just about cope with blogger and Twitter, but sometimes I do need to switch off from them too. I've just set up a Tumblr account but tbh, I don't know if I have the time/inclination to use it. I love social media because I can chat to awesome people (like you!) but equally, I don't think it's a good thing to be connected 24/7 - we all need our downtime :)

    1. I definitely need my downtime. I don't really use Facebook anymore either, but I keep it just in case I might need it again someday:) Thank you for telling me about your social media habits. I appreciate the honesty.

  4. I adore Twitter, but my account blew up before I got a handle on the whole list aspect. I prefer Facebook (mostly for my author groups on there), and blogging. Goodreads is just for me, and google is a joke.

    1. I also think blogging is the best. Thank you for your honest opinion Crystal.

  5. You are lucky. I end up spending hours upon hours on social media. I hope to follow your good example. Thank you so much for commenting and your honest feedback:)

  6. I try to stick to social media in the quiet hours of my day, but sometimes it's not that simple. ;-)

    Love the new look.

    1. Thank you, Misha. The red was starting to hurt my eyes:) I check it on my quiet times too, but then I end up spending an hour on Twitter or Blogger when I was only suppose to browse:)

  7. i'm similar to you with the social status checking - try to keep it to a minimum and only visit a couple of the social sites once or twice a day. they're a nice diversion, but definitely easy to get sidetracked and waste time... disconnecting is a good thing!

    1. Thank you, Tara. I definitely have to learn to disconnect. I am wasting far too much time on Twitter than I should. Thank you for your advice.


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