Saturday, August 22, 2015

Release date and anyone want to help me spread the word, please?

I have finally finished freaking out and could think rationally. I have decided on my release day being 8 September 2015. Yay! I still have to get the proof for my print book, but that's supposed to come this week (as I chose the express delivery option), which would give me plenty of time to make changes, if I needed to.

I also thought of ways to market my book and even though I'm plenty excited and want to get as much publicity for my book, I'm not going to have a blog tour. But, I wanted to ask if anyone will be willing to help me spread the word about my book, please? Don't worry, I will provide you with the post and you can post it on the 8th of September, or any day after that (I'm not picky). I'm trying to keep things as casual and relaxed as possible.

I feel a little weird asking for help with my own release day. Usually I like helping out others. I'm not very good at asking for help:)

Does anyone have advice for someone getting ready to publish their first book? I would appreciate it. Have a lovely weekend.


  1. I just saw this link on Twitter. I'll be happy to post something short to include in my September 7 blog. Email me at tikihuttime AT gmail DOT com.

  2. Bravo! Absolutely I'll help spread the word! Best of luck to you too!

  3. I would be happy to help spread the word. If you have guest posts or publicity posts, I'd be happy to post it on the 8th. You can send it to scribblingelizabeth (at) gmail (dot) com. Also, I will make a note to tweet several times about the release that day and for a day or two afterwards.

    1. Thank you so much, Elizabeth. You are amazing! I appreciate your help.

  4. I can either do a shout-out on September 14 or even host you that day for a guest post. Let me know!

    1. Thank you so much Alex! You are awesome. A shout-out sounds wonderful.

  5. I would love to help you on the 8th!!! Guest blogs seem to do best, but if you'd like to send your cover, blurb, and bio, we can just do that. Just seems a guest post gives people something to comment about, so if you'd like to write about your writing journey, the experience of publishing your first book, or anything else, we can do that! It doesn't have to be long--300 words or so seems to be about normal for a guest post. You can even do just three paragraphs or so.

    1. Thank you so much! You are very kind. I thought guest posts would be too much to ask of my fellow bloggers, especially since most have their content planned out in advance. But I will definitely prepare a few, for those that don't mind. Thank you again, Stephanie.

  6. Congratulations on your upcoming release. What an accomplishment. I'm sorry, I don't have any advice. I'm not quite to that stage yet. I don't know how I can help, but I will do what I can. I can join a launch party, blog about your book and release date. Review it for you. Post about it on all my social media accounts or any of all of the above. If you need me to do anything , please don't hesitate to contact me.

  7. deep breaths

    deep breaths

    (and, yes, congrats! It is a huge accomplishment)

    1. Thank you, Mac. I definitely need those deep breaths. You are awesome:)

  8. I'll help! Just let me know what you need!
    You can email me at

  9. I might be interested in helping you spread the word. Feel free to touch base with me.

    1. Thank you. But you really don't have to. Please, don't feel like you have to.


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