Wednesday, June 29, 2016

I'm tinker crazy

First, let me start off by saying “I’m sorry,” to anyone that has bought a copy of my book. I read it this weekend to tie up any loose ends from book one in book two, and I found one plot problem, which I have fixed. I am mortified. But I really am sorry. It is not my editor’s fault. She did a superb job. The one mistake was something I had changed after she gave me my final edited manuscript, so only I am to blame.

Secondly, I have not done audio for this post. In fact, I’m not sure if the audio is such a good idea anymore. I didn’t think about how much time it would take. Today one of our neighbors kept revving his engine like a racecar driver and I just couldn’t clean up the audio enough to block him out, so I gave up. I literally spent four hours trying to make a recording for one post. I might do a few more audio posts in the future, but maybe not one for every post. I’m sorry if I am disappointing anyone.

Okay, on to today’s post.

I am not only my own worst enemy, but I can also be my own worst distraction.

I have the bad habit of writing the same book over and over.

Meaning, I tinker too much with it. A normal person would write the first draft and a few days or weeks later, start on the second draft, which means adding more detail, or taking out the unnecessary words, if you had over written.

Not me. No. I feel the first draft is in too bad a shape (which it’s supposed to be) and start over. Keeping the main plot, but just rewriting everything else. That would explain why it took me over 5 years to publish my first book. I kept writing the same book over and over. You don’t even want to know how many drafts I have of the first book. Okay, I will tell you, over thirty drafts.

The bad news is that I have done it with the second book too. Luckily, I really like where the newest draft is going, and I’m almost halfway through. I actually intend to keep this draft and clean it up, I swear :) Then it’s just a matter of adding more detail and then my rounds of self-editing will commence. I think that will take quite a while too.

The good news is that I now know that I tinker too much on my manuscripts. I should write the first draft and make improvements from there. Don’t write the same damn book over and over. I feel like I can kick myself. Now it’s just a matter of stopping myself when I want to keep changing things.

Do you tinker a lot too?

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Trying Something New

Don't be shocked, but today I'm trying something new. I have added an audio version of my blog. I have been thinking about it for weeks now, to make things more interesting. I've been attending the Self-Publishing Summit by Chandler Bolt and I really warmed up to the idea  of using audio.

But don't worry, I will still be doing my written posts, so the audio is just another option for those who want it. I have found that if you can listen to a blog post, the time goes faster and it doesn't feel as tiring when you have to read 20 blog posts, say, for a blog hop.

What do you think? Is it a good idea?

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

You. I. Us. Blog tour with Annalisa Crawford

Hey Friends. I'm so excited to have Annalisa on my blog today. I love her passion, stories and personally, I just think she's awesome:) Welcome Annalisa!

You. I. Us. is a collection of vignettes, small scenes which hint at the story beneath.

Annalisa has taken that idea to another level, because she asked 15 bloggers to ask her one question each, creating small insights into her life and writing.

Here is my question:

How do you stay motivated to exercise regularly, live healthy and still manage to write and have a family? Seriously, you're Superwoman.

Oh Murees, thank you! I don’t feel like Superwoman, but it’s lovely I give that impression. Usually, if everyone’s got the correct underwear in their draw, I think it’s a good day!

I’m lucky that my kids are slightly older, 16 and 12, and happily self-sufficient. The youngest is always busy with clubs and friends. I rarely see him at the weekends or during school holidays. It was different when they were small—they probably watched a little too much telly, and played a little too much PlayStation…

And I’ve been exercising for so long, it’s part of my week now. Working as a gym instructor helps, because I figure I can’t instruct properly if I don’t work out myself. Also, working out and/or taking the dog for a walk helps to inspire me. I’m forever scribbling notes on the back of my workout card during my cardio, or standing still in the middle of the field trying to work out a plot point.

You. I. Us.

Publication date: June 10, 2016

Genre: Short Stories (Single Author)

In You. I. Us., Annalisa Crawford captures everyday people during  poignant defining moments in their lives: An artist puts his heart into his latest sketch, an elderly couple endures scrutiny by a fellow diner, an ex-student attempts to make amends with a girl she bullied at school, a teenager holds vigil at his friend’s hospital bedside, long distance lovers promise complete devotion, a broken-hearted widow stares into the sea from the edge of a cliff where her husband died, a grieving son contacts the only person he can rely on in a moment of crisis, a group of middle-aged friends inspire each other to live remarkable lives.

Day after day, we make the same choices. But after reading You. I. Us., you’ll ask yourself, “What if we didn’t?”

About the author
Annalisa Crawford lives in Cornwall UK, with a good supply of moorland and beaches to keep her inspired. She lives with her husband, two sons, a dog and a cat. Annalisa writes dark contemporary, character-driven stories. She has been winning competitions and publishing short stories in small press journals for many years, and is the author of Cat & The Dreamer and Our Beautiful Child.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

I am my own worst enemy (IWSG)

Hello friends. How are you today? I am so happy and grateful to be co-hosting IWSG today with my awesome co-hosts, Alexia Chamberlynn, Chemist Ken and Heather Gardner. Whoop! Whoop!

I am without a doubt my own worst enemy. I often find myself having a tedious internal battle with what I want and what my doubt monster thinks I'm capable of. You can’t do it. What do you know? These are only a few of the things I constantly say to myself. Why? Because I demand a lot of myself. Only the best efforts will do. I put myself down even before I’ve tried something new. It’s become a rather bad habit actually.

Of course the question is now that I know I do it and why I do it, what am I going to do about it? Well, I am so tired of caring what others think. Yes, I’m unfortunately also a terrible people pleaser. Every person and especially every writer is different. We can’t all follow the same processes. We definitely can't all write the same. Just think how boring it would be.

So, because my internal critic will never be silenced (she’s mean at times), I can’t still allow others views of myself to influence me. I have to do the best I can with who I am (control freak). I have to work on myself and my confidence with regards to writing. At the end of the day I need to believe in myself and what I can do. Others may doubt me, but I am not allowed to doubt myself.  I have to start saying "I can do this," and "Why not me?".

I'm insecure and I rather like that about myself. It reminds me that I'm human. As long as I can manage that doubt monster and not allow others comments to encourage it, I will be much happier and much more productive.

How about you? Do you pick on yourself too?

The Insecure Writers Support Group was created by the talented Mr. Alex J. Cavanaugh so that writers can share their insecurities and/or encourage others who need support with their own. You can visit Alex Here, or if you want to join us in discussing our insecurities on the first Wednesday of each month, you are welcome to join by going Here.

What is the point?

Today I was plagued with the idea, why? And why?  Everywhere these days there's a silent rule imposed by some invisible person or person...