Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Progress on book two

Lately it feels like everything I have posted about on here has only been negative. Well, I finally have some good news. I have finally finished the drafting stage of book two. Now all I have to do is add more description in the areas where I was vague, or delete where I tend to over explain. Then it is on to the self-editing stage. I'm still saving for professional editing. As that is my biggest weakness. Spotting my own mistakes. But I have a long list of critiques, which my editor had picked up in my first book, to look for and correct. As one tends to make the same mistakes, or use the same words repetitively.

Also, I'm still thinking of whether I want line editing, as well as copy editing, or if I can simply go with just copy editing. To be honest, I don't think my writing is that clean yet. But it is all about what my budget allows.

But all in all, it feels like a mountain has been lifted off my shoulders. I've done what I've felt was impossible. I finished this damn second book, after having rewritten, and starting over so many times in the past few years. So, as the gif suggests, I'm dancing.

How do you celebrate victories, big or small?


  1. That's very cool! Yes, I tend to repeat the same mistakes even when I'm aware of them.

    1. Thanks, Alex. I guess we all have our quirks;)

  2. That's exciting! I admit, I am awful about revising my own work. I have a stack of first drafts! But I'm committing myself to working on existing drafts of short stories before moving on!

    1. You can absolutely do it! I read that you have to go over it over and over, changing one thing at a time, instead of trying to fix multiple issues at the same time. That is what I'm gonne try. But definitely find what works for you.

  3. Hi Murees - well done ... so good to know you're progressing along - that's great ... keep going and as you say we know you'll succeed ... take care - cheers Hilary

    1. Thank you, Hilary. I appreciate your belief im me.

  4. Doesn't progress feel good? I got a raise at work and celebrated by being shocked and thanking the person who told me over and over. (I still don't believe it.)


    1. Congratulations! You are so deserving of that raise.

      Progress does rather feel good😉

  5. Well done with the progress on book 2!
    Keep up the awesome work!

  6. Good job on the writing process, and best of luck as the process continues! I think as far as rewards go, I use them as motivating tools. For example, if I want to watch a movie or buy ice cream or something, I'll say that I have to get a certain amount of work done first.

    1. Thank you. That is a great idea. I should work on my rewards. Ice cream sounds like such a good reward😀, yet it is not on my list.

  7. Congratulations! Finishing a novel is a huge accomplishment. I always celebrate that time. Sometimes it's small and sometimes larger, but there's always something. Even if it's just dancing with one of my dogs :)

    1. Wow, celebrating with the dogs sounds good. Thanks Carol.

  8. Woo Hoo! Finishing the drafting stage is awesome!! Congrats!!

    And I always celebrate victories (large or small) with a dancing Baby Groot gif...

  9. Congratulations! Writing the end is always awesome. Good luck with the editing. If only it could be done by magic.


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