Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Finding a routine

It is the end of May, and I can’t believe that we are halfway through the year. It has definitely just flown by.

My current work in progress is going well. I am enjoying my writing so much. I won’t lie, I’m still struggling to get a proper routine, or to write regularly. As I previously mentioned, I work for my sister in her Artisanal baking/ food business. So the hours are long, and the work is hard. So sometimes I’m too tired to do much when I’m done working.

But I think that is the struggle with all creatives. You have to pay the bills, as well as be true to your creative passion. So I write when I can, and make the best of that time. Some of us just don’t get to have the luxury of a routine. I know I don’t. But I fight to make time, and use it well. Everyone's life and circumstances are just different. I think I prefer not having a specific routine.

Lately I’ve been enjoying the luxury of Netflix. I have found that it really helps me unwind. These days I love those corny movies, that make you laugh, and sometimes think the acting is questionable, but my brain finds it stimulating. I can just watch one, or two, and I’m relaxed. The stress of the day forgotten.

So, how are you doing? Are you ready for the coming month?


  1. At my age, best not to look at the calendar.

    I struggle to remember what year it is.

    1. No way! I bet your mind is much sharper than mine😉😋 I can tell by your writing just how young you still are, Mr 😋

  2. Hi Murees - you have a job and the family being around you ... so it's good you have an outlet with your writing ... keep going and just write ... good luck - cheers Hilary

  3. Finding an outlet to relax and unwind and stimulates your brain at the same time is a good thing. I like watching old movies from time to time, especially the ones that make you laugh. I think you have a good routine and one that works for you, that's what is important.

    1. Yes. A good movie, or series helps so much. I loved Arsenic and Old Lace, with Carry Grant. Thank you, Mason.

  4. What sort of Artisanal baked goods and food do you produce? I know baking is very hard work. My ex-husband's grandfather was a successful baker.


    1. My sister makes cakes, pastries, tartlets, or what ever clients request. Her lemon tartlets is very popular. She makes savoury things like Camembert and fig tartlets, potatoe rosti's with bacon and avo . . . I should post pictures next time. I just help her bake, or prepare ingredients.

  5. I'm back after marathon writing, so am not doing too badly. Netflix is a vortex for me, I try never to switch it on--I can spend the entire day binge-watching!

    1. I love binge writing😉 Way to go on the writing marathon. You are awesome.

  6. My real life is hectic, too, and I still struggle with a routine. I have one, but most days it goes flying out the window while I'm drinking my first cup of coffee. Usually I unwind in front of the TV, too.

    1. Tv is the best😆. Oh yes, my routine is different everyday. Like you said, the routine never goes as planned. But I would never have known you struggle with your routine. Your blog posts are always great, and entertaining, and you still write, and publish. You're superwoman.

  7. It's wonderful to hear that you're enjoying writing so much. That's a huge win in itself!

    1. Thank you M.J. It is quite something new. I thought it's supposed to feel like torture at times. But without any pressure from myself, it feels good.

  8. I'm going through a season of change and so my writing has become wonky - two hours on Tuesday, none for three days, an idea on a slip of paper or in the memo section of my phone, a random journal entry, and then ... it's Tuesday again? Thankfully, I go to a Tuesday Write-In group so that's been keeping me steadily writing 2-3 hours at least one day a week. Can't say enough good things about that group - even though everyone I talk to thinks it's weird that I go sit and write with people I don't know well in a room at the local community college (free place) for three hours most Tuesdays and we don't speak to each other, other than to wave "hi."
    I understand the Netflix comfort - I've done that. :)
    I hope all of your creative endeavors go super well in June and beyond!

    1. Thank you, Tyrean. Your Tuesday writing sounds fabulous. You see like minded people at work, who understands the struggle of writing, and you don't have to chat to them endlessly. I think once a week is great. If it works for you, great. Keep it up, no one has the right to judge you for it. I wish I had such a Write-In group here. It would be so brilliant.

  9. Glad to hear you are happy with your manuscript progress. I can understand the difficulty of not being able to set up a routine. But I think you have the right attitude - writing when you can is the best you can do and that's just life. I know your manuscript will be great when you are done.
    I am a Netflix fan too - lately I've been watching The Office when I'm tired at night and just need to turn my overactive brain off.
    Take care, Murees!!

    1. Hi Julie. I appreciate your support. These days my overactive brain is a problem, and luckily Netflix helps with that😋 I'm really working hard to keep my attitude positive.

  10. I love watching old classic movies. Or old TV series reruns. Great way to recharge for more writing.
    And here's some good news. The year isn't half over yet. The half way point is the end of June. You're ahead of yourself. Happy writing.

    1. I can always do with more time to recharge. You are so right, LD. June is not over yet.


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