Saturday, June 12, 2010


Today has been a good day for me. I spent the whole day with my family, which because of conflicting schedules, we rarely get to do anymore. But it was awesome. We watched the rugby together and now we are topping everything off with a braai (BBQ). Nothing beats that.

They might give me a lot of crap when it comes to my personal choices, but when things are bad and I feel as if I can't go on, my family pulls me through. Thank heavens for older siblings.

Friday, June 11, 2010


I have a weird feeling today. I feel almost restless but excited. It is as if I know something big is going to happen to me today. But I don't know what it means. Maybe I am just being superstitious.

Maybe it is my writing that is making me restless. I didn't sleep well last night, in fact, I didn't sleep much at all. I really want to start submitting my first manuscript, but I'm not really done with it yet. I know this is going to sound weird, but I can't wait for my first rejection letter. Because if I get a rejection letter, it means I tried to follow my dream and that I didn't just give up on it.

I feel in my gut that I am suppose to be a writer and it doesn't matter to me that my writing is mediocre right now. I know that as a writer, you only get better the longer you write and the older you get. But the thing that bothers me with that theory is that I am always a late bloomer with everything. So, I don't want to be 45 years old, when I successfully publish my first book.

All the websites I go on tells me to be patient, which is a struggle for me every single day. I tell myself ''be patient'' but my body is so excited and as I have previously stated, restless. I am such a weirdo.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


I am so happy. I made my first friend on team pit bull today. She is such a nice lady. Maybe I am not such a weirdo after all. Yay! I know, I am so easy to please.

I didn't write at all yesterday. I had to reinstall software on my computer and do full a virus scan, which took most of my time.

I am reading ''Jacob'' by Jacquelyn Frank at the moment and it is great. She knows exactly how to entice and excite you with her vocabulary. Man, I still have a long way to go, to become nearly that good. But I am enjoying the book. Oh, but doesn't Jacob just sound absolutely gorgeous? I am glad to see that the curvy woman get represented in this book (being a curvy woman myself).

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


As previously discussed, I have started baking and one of my favorite things that I make is my pancakes. I am one of those really no-nonsense people and I believe that all recipe's should be that way too. So, here is my recipe for my homemade pancakes, that I make from scratch by the way.

250 ml Flour
30 ml Sugar
15 ml oil
10 ml baking powder
150 ml milk
1 egg
pinch of salt

Mix all the dry ingredients together in a bowl. Mix wet ingredients together in a separate bowl. Add wet ingredients to the dry and mix well. If your batter is too stiff, add a bit more milk. If you have a mixer you can just add all the ingredients together, no problem.

Add a little oil to the pan and bake. Serve with syrup. Enjoy, just don't count the calories.


I recently read an interesting article on about aspiring writers who share their work on their blogs. Basically the article was about how some writers surf the Internet the whole day, checking out other writers blogs and websites and stealing their ideas.

I have always been a bit self-conscious about sharing my work, but now I definitely won't post anything.

Just think how scary that is. Anyway, she also said, that you shouldn't post your work because literary agents don't check aspiring writer's blogs. Therefore, if you want your work read, submit it to an agent or publisher by mail or email. Unless you want millions of people to read your work online.

So, be careful of what you post or where you post, because there seems to be quite a few people who lack creativity, therefore they have to steal other writers ideas. Trust me, it is not a nice feeling when someone else gets credit for something you thought up. I would know. I had a friend in high school who use to steal some of my ideas and even copy my homework and get all the credit for it, hence my paranoia.

Also be very wary of who you pitch or discuss your ideas too. You can never be too careful.


I have become really handy around the house. I am doing the washing, dishes, cooking, cleaning and even baking. It is really scary and in between all that I still manage to write.

I have become a real housewife, not that there's anything wrong with that. My moms a housewife. I just find it to be so damn hard. Tending to the house and everyone in it, is hard work. But I promised my mom I wouldn't say a word about helping out around the house, seeing that I am jobless (hopefully not for long) and much to her dismay, still single too.

My writing is going really well. The job hunting not so much. But I'm not losing hope. I know I will find something soon.

Monday, June 7, 2010


Today I don't feel so great. I am struggling with a head cold that just does not want to go away. I have been doing plenty of writing, which I am happy about. However, one of the side effects of constantly having new ideas and feeling the ever increasing need to follow through on them, causes me to suffer from insomnia. My normal sleeping pattern is practically out the window. For some strange reason, I get most of my ideas in the night.

My job hunting isn't going well. Jobs are very scarce right now and my family is putting more pressure on me to find a new job. They seem to think that I am refusing to get a job because I am lazy and that I am stalling, just so that I could write.

I would like nothing more then to just write, but I know I need a job. I however, am not going to work in a supermarket. Because I busted my butt to get my degree and now the only jobs I can get are the ones any person, without a education can do. Making me feel even worse, because my degree means nothing, making me feel as if I busted my butt for nothing. But I am looking out for work.

What is the point?

Today I was plagued with the idea, why? And why?  Everywhere these days there's a silent rule imposed by some invisible person or person...