Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Twilight Saga Eclipse Official Full Trailer (HD)



I just saw a trailer for the movie Eclipse and I can't wait till the 30th of June, when it comes out. Eclipse, just so happens to be my favourite book of the four.

Why choose between Edward and Jake? Personally, I would have said, Jacob can come visit me during the day, seeing that Edward has a problem coming out when the sun shines and Edward can visit during the night, when Jacob patrols the woods. Perfect!

I am just joking. I was just being a little naughty. I am all for the moral and ethical decisions. Meaning, there can only be one. But I won't say which I am leaning towards, personally. June 30th, can't Wait!

Monday, June 14, 2010


I am so bummed right now. I applied for a job as a video shop assistant last week and I got invited for an interview, but I had to turn it down because of the hours and the location. It is about 30minutes drive away and I would have to work till 23:00 at night. I wouldn't mind. It's a job, but I don't have my own car and my brother said that there is no way, I could borrow his.

I didn't mind that it wasn't a fancy job or anything, but at least I wouldn't have been another, unemployed, over ambitious writer. At least that's how my mom sees me. But I think it is OK to be a dreamer. Dreams keep you alive.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


I enjoyed this novella just as much as I had loved every one of Stephenie Meyer's other books.

Once again this book was awesome. It was written perfectly and you could actually sympathize with Bree Tanner. You didn't think of her as a bad new born vampire, who just wanted to kill Bella. You actually see her as a person and you wish,'' damn, couldn't eclipse have ended differently?''

I think it was a good book and once I started reading, I couldn't stop till I was done. If you liked all her other books, you will like this one.

I personally, love Stephenie Meyer's writing style and I think she has a way of writing characters and dialogue, that just makes you want to read her books over and over again.


This is an awesome book and I loved reading it. I recommend it to anyone who loves reading paranormal romances or who believes or wants to believe in soul mates.

Jacquelyn Frank knows just how to keep you captivated and wanting more.

Saturday, June 12, 2010


I don't know what it is. But I am starting to wonder if I am ever going to get the opportunity to love someone romantically. I am only 24 years old, so there is still a lot of time.

I think it is all these romantic books I'm reading and movies I'm watching. Besides, my mother is pestering me to find a boyfriend. And now I am writing a book that is a little more centred around romance and I am thinking, will anyone ever think I am love able?

I sure as hell hope so. I love being single and getting married is not really a priority, but I hope to one day have at least felt something for someone.


I started on my second novel, which continues the story where the first one ended, but I am suddenly stuck. I can't get my story to move past the first chapter, because in this book, the romantic relationship between my main characters are suppose to evolve.

I am not naturally a romantic person and I am not very affectionate either. Therefore, when it comes to my characters, I am just as clueless. I read Jacob by Jacquelyn Frank and she is a genius when it comes to the romantic dialogue. You can feel the suspense between the characters and I just lack that.

I want my characters to be in love and I want the reader to be able to pick up their passion and need for each other. I tried writing a love scene but it just turned out being corny. I might need to read a lot of romance novels, to get the hang of this. And I know what you are thinking. Romance novels, eww! But I will have you know, writing a good romance novel, is a rare talent. Because you have to make the readers believe your characters. Any idiot can say ''Then they made love''. But a good romance novelist will explain how the process develops and they make it sound so wonderful and intoxicating, that you yourself wish you were there, in the strong, gorgeous arms of the main male character.

I just hope that I can find a solution for my two characters. I would hate for me not to finish this story.

What is the point?

Today I was plagued with the idea, why? And why?  Everywhere these days there's a silent rule imposed by some invisible person or person...