Sunday, June 20, 2010


Emotionally, I am in a weird place today. My neighbors dog keeps coming to me for food. Naturally I feed her, but now every time she sees me, she wants me to play with her or feed her.

I love animals. I think they understand me a lot better then humans do. But I tend to love them the way I would love a real best friend. And in reality, I am still upset about my dog that had passed away a month ago. So, every time I see this dog, I feel sorry for her and give into her demands, only to be close to tears, knowing that I missed my dog.

I don't know what the story is with my neighbors. If they don't feed the dog or what, but she is forever at our house. Even my sister's dog tolerates this newcomer. I will feed her. I don't mind that, but I just don't like the emotional bond she is trying to force on me.

I wanted to call the SPCA, but my brother said, that they will just put her out. He said he will have a talk with the neighbors about their dog, but I know they will not do anything about the situation.

Don't you just hate it when people want animals but just refuse to take full responsibility for them? I do! I hate it! People can talk for themselves, they can even tell you when they are hungry or cold. But animals can't. That's why we have to take care of them. I know what I am talking about. After all, I use to be a animal scientist before I became an unemployed dreamer.

Saturday, June 19, 2010


It is absolutely freezing today. No matter what I do or regardless of how much clothes I put on, I just stay cold.

My fingers are numb with the cold. I could barely type today. One bad thing about living in a valley surrounded with mountains, is the extreme temperatures that come with it. In the summer it is boiling hot and in the winter it is freezing. It doesn't snow in my town itself, but thanks to the snow on the surrounding mountains, it feels as if though the snow is right outside my window.

Friday, June 18, 2010


It is days like these, that make me regret that I am the youngest and that I am blessed with a big family. I love my family, don't get me wrong, but being the baby in the family, stinks.

Today I was very busy with cleaning the house, shopping with my mom for groceries and now, we have to reorganize our bathroom cupboard. Because my mom got rid of the old one this morning and we have to put in a new one. I don't mind helping her, but then the other siblings come and order me around too. And I can't be mad at them either, because they are supporting me till I get another job.

All in all, I can't be unhappy about anything they ask me to do, but I am. Like they say: '' life's tough, deal with it''.

I don't think with everything that is going on, that I will get to do much writing today. Which is another bummer, because I have so many great ideas that I just can't put down. My family says that they will start taking my writing ambitions seriously, as soon as I get my first novel published, which I think is unreasonable. But, what can I do?

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Writer’s Digest - 7 Reasons Inspiration Matters to Writers

Writer’s Digest - 7 Reasons Inspiration Matters to Writers

Writer’s Digest - 8 Basic Writing Blunders

Writer’s Digest - 8 Basic Writing Blunders


I am like so many woman, who constantly try their best to watch their weight and eat right. I however, don't do it to for the same reasons so many woman do it. I do it because I want to change, for me. It is a personal choice.

But today, I had a very naughty day. I started my day off normal, with a bowl of cheerios and milk and I even danced for half an hour. When lunch time came, I couldn't help myself. I ate three of my moms homemade cup cakes with chocolate icing. Yum! Yum! I am going to need some more exercise and tonight we are having homemade lasagna. Yummee!

My writing is coming along nicely. At the moment I am writing a lot. Everyday, I have a new idea for a new chapter. So, there is luckily not a shortage of creativity. On the contrary. I would say I have too many ideas for my single mind to process. I am still suffering from insomnia, but the happiness I feel, when I write, is well worth the lack of sleep.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Ah! No! I just got my first two grey hairs. I am really upset about that. Although it was inevitable, my mom and dad both being prematurely grey. But to have grey hair at 24? Come on!

My Genetics suck! Really it does. Seeing that I am the youngest of four kids, it appears I got all the left over bad DNA. My family always tells me that I'm the weirdo in the family. Honestly, if I am always different and nothing remotely like my other siblings or other humans as they say. Why couldn't I be the one who didn't get the prematurely grey gene?

I know, I am a drama queen, but I am an aspiring writer after all. Drama is part of the job.

What is the point?

Today I was plagued with the idea, why? And why?  Everywhere these days there's a silent rule imposed by some invisible person or person...