Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I have only been at writersdigest community a day and I think I might already have made a few enemies. There was a discussion going on about certain writers not liking Stephenie Meyer or saying that she didn't have any writing talent and I just thought that I would give my opinion.

So basically what I said was this:

''I rather enjoyed her books. Sorry...but I did. And i actually like her writing style. She is a very good story teller and personally I just sympathize with Bella, because I am a loner who unlike her, never found where I fit in. And in real life there is no Edward or Jacob. But I still liked the books though. I don't mind that she made her vampires different. As a writer that is what you have to do. There should be no similarities between your work and that of another writer, ever.''

I don't think a lot of people are going to like me for what I had said. But I had to say it

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


I am so grateful to all the wonderful people at the writersdigest community who had helped me find a solution for my manuscript problem. Basically, everyone told me to get my manuscript back and edit it myself. They said that it should not matter how many drafts I do,I should still do it myself.

I rather agree with their expert opinions. At least that way, you are still in control of your own destiny. I still love my friend to death, but nobody else can give my manuscript the love that it really needs, but me.

Thank You Writersdigest Community!

Join the writersdigest community


I just joined the writersdigest community page and it is great. You get to interact with other writers, add discussions and even blog. It is great for aspiring and professional writers a like.

So, feel free to check it out or even come and join me.

Aspiring Writers: Do Not Sell Your Soul for Publication

Aspiring Writers: Do Not Sell Your Soul for Publication

This is a cool article and it is very helpful, not to mention inspiring.

Monday, June 21, 2010


Should I self- edit my own manuscript? I did consider a professional editor, but I don't have R20 000 for that.

I did some research on the Internet, but I didn't get the answers I was looking for. I just don't know if I am objective enough to pick up any writing mistakes. I can check for grammar and spelling errors, but what about the technical stuff? I read an article where the writer said that if there are any mistakes in your novel, it will get rejected immediately. If you want your work published or if you want an agent to take you seriously, your manuscript has to be polished and in pristine condition.


I have been struggling with headaches for a while now and I think I need an eye test. It has been almost 3 years since I had last been to one. But I am afraid that this time, seeing that I am reading so much and sitting in front of the computer more and more, that they will change my current prescription drastically.

The last time I was there, they tweaked my prescription and my left eyes prescription was 20 x stronger then that of my right eye. So, what if they give me one of those pare of glasses that look as if they were made of old glass coke bottles? I am already a loser. I can't start looking like one. And maybe I'm going to get braises too.

Imagine what I am going to look like. Isn't it enough that I am weird? Man, Karma hates me.

Sunday, June 20, 2010


I feel sad and I don't have a real reason why. I haven't felt like this in a while. But I was really happy this morning and now I feel almost depressed.

My writing is going well. And right now, feeling the way I do I can't focus enough to write. I am afraid my characters might just end up killing each other or something.

What ever is wrong with me now, I just hope it passes soon, because I am in a very important place in my book.

What is the point?

Today I was plagued with the idea, why? And why?  Everywhere these days there's a silent rule imposed by some invisible person or person...