Friday, June 25, 2010


My eye test went well. I did get my prescription changed, but this time it was for my right eye. I asked to keep my own frame, so that is rather good. I still only have a pair of glasses just for reading, so I am still smiling. I am without glasses for a few days so bear with me if there are huge spelling errors or something.

How Long is a Book?: Determining the Right Word Count for your Novel

How Long is a Book?: Determining the Right Word Count for your Novel

I was doing some research for myself and I thought I might share this helpful article with you. Enjoy!

I hate rude people

I hate rude people. I don't care what their reason is or whether there is a valid excuse in there somewhere, I just don't like rude people.

There is the latest theory that people are only rude to me, because they perceive my overall mannerisms as rude. I honestly don't even understand that. How can it always be my fault? See, that is why I avoid people.

I am really upset now. People disrespecting me, because they have issues with my other siblings or even finding fault with me as a person? Not fair. I tolerate creepy people that cuss like sailors and they are giving me attitude? Stuff like this just p#ss#s me off!

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Hey, just letting you know I am no longer a member on team pit bull. I have removed my profile. I still support the fighter, I am just not a member of his website any longer.

But you can still check out his website if there are people who are interested.


I am so pissed off with myself. I was recently asked, how long I have been writing, and my first response, was 14 years (I have been writing since I was 10 years old). But, I forgot about the 4 years I took off, to try and become a serious person (what a bust).

I should never have stopped. In fact I sort of didn't. I didn't write down any artistic ideas, but I wrote down how I felt and the kinds of emotions I was feeling at the time. No, I guess that doesn't count.

During college, I also got rid of everything I ever wrote. Poetry, short stories and lyrics. I threw them away as I sign of me, becoming mature. I can kick myself for that stupid move! I guess there's no point living in regret. All I can do now, is start over.

I just hope that one day when I am a famous writer (wink, wink) that some of that old work won't turn up and people will try and make money off them. By saying ''Hey, this is Murees, Dupé's work. You can buy it from us for $...'' I like dreaming. It keeps me smiling.


Wish me luck. I have an apointment with the optomitrist tomorrow morning. Here's hoping I don't get those big spectacles with the heavy glass and weird frame.

I must say, I am rather scared.


Wow! Is all I can say. I just read some of the writing by some of the writers at writers digest community and I feel really mediocre. I am starting to doubt if I have any talent at all. I thought that my poetry was passionate and realistic, but then I read a poem by a thirteen year old girl and I started feeling really small and insignificant.

Not to mention the ridiculously articulate responses some writers give to the open discussion. If their casual writing is that good, well how great must their work be?

I still think joining other writers in a forum like this is good, but I won't post any of my stuff. I already have a problem with self-esteem. I don't think I can handle criticism about my amateur writing right now.

I haven't really slept in three days. I toss and turn every night, not to mention that I have been having really bad nightmares, too.

I think of my writing as simple, but good. I love that Stephenie Meyer is a fantastic storyteller. And like her, I tried to focus on the story, instead of making my writing so complicated, that not even I could understand it. Her writing was the inspiration I needed to get back to my own writing, after all, So Thank you Stephenie Meyer!

What is the point?

Today I was plagued with the idea, why? And why?  Everywhere these days there's a silent rule imposed by some invisible person or person...