Friday, July 2, 2010

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Just a thought

If I had a boyfriend like him, I would be smiling too.

I would still be smiling.

So, I say why choose? Have them both! But only when its these two though. Kristen Stewart is so lucky. (Sigh)


I am really excited! I can't wait to watch eclipse tonight. I hope it is going to be awesome.

I forgot to mention that I will also be attending an introductory wine course tomorrow. I am doing the course so that I can broaden my spectrum for a job. Yes, I really want to be a writer, but that doesn't give me an income, so I have to do the one job to pay for another. It is a sacrifice I am willing to make.

So wish me luck for tomorrow. I don't know anyone there and it is a full day course. It is times like these I wish I wasn't so weird.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Sorry I didn't post anything yesterday, we hit our Internet cap for the month. But I am back today. I can't wait to watch Eclipse tomorrow. We have booked our seats and hopefully there won't be any problems like last time. With new moon the video rail broke every few minutes, which was very disturbing.

I am really excited to see this movie and it also happens to be my favorite book in the twilight series. I read on the Internet lately that Stephenie Meyer's twilight series is based on some of the greatest loves stories in history apparently. Twilight = Pride and prejudice, New moon = Romeo and Juliet and Eclipse = Wuthering heights. Don't blame me, I didn't make the comparison and personally I didn't like any of the original books, especially Wuthering heights, though the authors were very talented, I'm sorry.

I am especially looking forward to the bickering between Edward and Jacob. I personally like both characters so, I sympathize with Bella. Either of those two guys can come visit me anytime. Ha! Ha! Ha!

I know I am being very creepy. Anyway, I will write a post on Friday saying what I thought of the movie.

Monday, June 28, 2010


Every writer has a different approach to staying motivated. Some prefer to take workshops or even interacting with their fellow writers to keep them in the mood to write, sharp and up to date with what is going on. Others have routines and schedules and very few just never run out of the necessary drive.

I fall under the category of writers who have routines and schedules that keep me on the straight and narrow. Of course I have an endless supply of ideas and things in my head, but sometimes you are having an off day or an off week and you don't necessarily feel like writing.

So, with that said, what can you do to keep you motivated to finish that manuscript? Honestly? That will depend on yourself. Each writer is different because every one's personality is different. But there are a few basic things you can do in my opinion:

  • You have to keep writing. If necessary, work out a writing schedule or pick a certain time of day you feel most inspired at. But you can't stop.

  • Don't forget to eat. I know this sounds weird, but I have recently experimented with this and eating regularly helps your mood and thinking a lot better then if you skip meals. Besides, you pick up weight when you skip meals.

  • Find your own sources of inspiration. I get my favourite Cd's and listen to them when I write. Nothing like a little Linkin Park to keep you hyped up.

  • Get yourself a designated writing area. So, when you go there, you know that this is manuscript writing time. I carry a notebook with me everywhere to write my ideas in, but when I get in front of my computer, I know it is manuscript writing time.

  • Love what you do. This might sound basic, but write stories you love. As soon as you start doing what everyone else is doing, instead of doing what you love, you are doomed. I love each and everyone of my characters. I love bringing them to life and not doing that infuriates me. So, when I don't write I am a real Meany.

  • If you feel overwhelmed and need to take a break, do so. Sometimes you need to get away to get a better perspective of things.

  • Prioritise. You can still have a life, but what you need is balance. I am not a very social person, so I don't mind writing a lot. But most people are very social and they get upset if they are stuck in front of the computer for hours. So, go out and have fun, but don't forget to do some writing too.

I think that is it. Like I said before, this is what I think. You might have other ways to keep yourself motivated. But no two people are a like therefore, no two writers are a like either. You might have similar writing style as someone else, but the way how you get to the end results will differ. So what works for J.K. Rowling, might not work for you. Find what gives you that extra kick when you need it. Nothing illegal please!

Writing is very personal and it is very hard work. There is no way around the hard work, sorry. You have to put in the time to get the results you want.

Hope I was a little helpful, if not, sorry and good-luck.

Sunday, June 27, 2010


It sucks being the youngest of four children in my family. I am constantly the one in the middle of the sibling rivalry. Because they always say ''your the youngest you must do this'' or ''your the youngest so you must do that''. So, in the end I am the one taking all the crap.

I am also the only one who does not have a successful career, the one who is unemployed and the one with the awkward personality. Now I can even add aspiring writer to the list, which makes them joke and laugh all the time. I told my family I have a blog and only one member of the family (my oldest sister) told me that she was proud of me for trying my best at succeeding at my writing career. That she liked my blog and she thought it was a good idea. The other members of the family rolled their eyes and said ''what a stupid idea'' and ''as long as you don't mention me''.

They even laughed when I told them that I don't have anyone reading, following or even leaving comments on my blog yet. Ha! Ha! Ha! That sure gives you a good kick to the ego.

But I love writing and it is my escape away from the world. I am just sorry that the world who is so big, doesn't have space for a weirdo like me.

Saturday, June 26, 2010


My blog is no longer a secret from my family. My one sister caught me blogging a few nights ago and naturally, she couldn't keep it to herself, so she told the rest of the family.

I don't mind, I feel kind of relieved that they all know now. Maybe now they can see that I am truly serious about my writing. Why didn't I tell them before? Because my brother advised me not too and my family are not comfortable with the idea of me writing publicly. So I kept it a secret as much for them as for me.

But my one sister thinks it is good for me and the verdict is still out on the rest.

What is the point?

Today I was plagued with the idea, why? And why?  Everywhere these days there's a silent rule imposed by some invisible person or person...