Tuesday, July 6, 2010


I have been having an off few weeks and not only does my writng reflect it but also my scale. As you know I have become more healthy, counting calories and exercising regularly. But lately I eat what ever I want and I rarely exercise. I hate to admit it but my diet (lifestyle change) has gone to hell! I have gained two kilos since two weeks ago and now I feel really upset and I know what you are thinking. Stop eating so much!

I am trying really hard to get back into my focused state of mind. My writing is still going strong, but I am a lot more obsesive about my writing these days then I have ever been. No matter what happened to me today or the day before, I still go and write. It bothers my family a lot. I just feel that this is what I was meant to do. I know all apiring writers think and say that.

I have to get my diet as balanced as it has been for the past 7 months. I just have too. I felt as if I had so much more energy then I do now and I just felt better as a person too.


I was just playing around with a few ideas for my characters and I just realized my problem is that I tend to be a bit too dramatic. Damn this brain of mine. Everything is always so full of drama. I can't just let my two characters fall in love and that be it, no, there has to be death and sorrow before they can realize their feelings for each other. I don't know why I can't just write a scene that is not too overly complicated.

Maybe the fact that I am making things so emotionally complicated can be a good thing, right? Sort of like my own style? I don't know why, but I just don't believe in happily ever afters. Yes, my characters get a happy ending, but not like in fairy tales. There is always a compromise for happiness I think. So, naturally my characters would portray that.

But as you can read, once again I make things far more complicated then they really truly are. That is why I suck at creating a romantic or love scenes for my book. I just can't wrap my head around that scenario. It is coming along slowly, but I am sure I will get there, eventually. Urgh!

Monday, July 5, 2010


I worked as a temporary receptionist today and it was OK. I was very busy, but I took a notebook with me and got a lot of writing done regardless. It is just very weird for me pretending to be smiley and friendly. I guess it comes with the job. Not that I'm not normally friendly, but I do fear people in general. I am a freak like that.

I got a few very good ideas while I was working. However I still struggle to make my two main characters appear in love. It is a lot harder then people think it is and yes, it is necessary for this story, seeing that it follows on my first one and as you can imagine the characters relationship evolves. I end up making a passionate scene sound really corny and the flow is all wrong. I still need a lot of work in that department. My first manuscript is going to need a lot of work too, before it is going to be anywhere near ready for submission.

Now I am torn. Do I write on the second novel or do I edit my first? What a dilemma. But I am going to try and do both. I really can't let either projects go. I know I am trying to do too much but I just can't lose momentum now.

I am still suffering from a lack of sleep, but when I write I hardly notice the fatigue. I don't mind losing sleep but I do mind the nightmares I have whenever I try to sleep. Overactive imagination I guess. For some strange reason I get my best ideas late at night, which is funny because I use to be one of those children (and teenager) who use to be afraid of the dark and now I seem to be more comfortable during night time then daytime.

Saturday, July 3, 2010


I just got back from spending a day with the family, which is always nice. We ate at the restaurant where my sister is the head chef, so yeah, that was awesome. She works all the time and we never get to see her so actually being able to spend time with her, even though she was still working, was awesome.

I started reading through my first manuscript and I will start editing it soon. I only still have half of my manuscript. My second book is sort of on hold for the moment while I am reading through the first one. Now that I am reading it after taking a break from it for a couple of months, I can see where I have to change certain things or tweak it. I even bought me books about self-editing on writers digest.com to help me even further, but I already know exactly what has to change and what I have to take out.

Once again thank you for all the helpful advice from the writers digest community. They made my writing life so much easier.

Friday, July 2, 2010


I had a very busy day today. I didn't really get a chance to write. But I have so many new ideas for my novel that I have a problem switching off. I had to take a few sleep aids that my Doctor had prescribed me a few months ago, but I refused to take before, just so that my brain can rest long enough for me to get a decent nights sleep. Believe it or not my brain still goes on thinking when I attempt to sleep. Resulting in me being very groggy and tired, which is bad for my writing.

But when the inspiration hits it is hard to ignore and these days I don't ignore it at all. I had done enough ignoring when I quite writing for 4 years and I still regret that decision to this day. I have wasted so much time doing things I thought I liked, when in reality I turned my back on the only thing I ever loved doing and that had gotten me through the worst times of my life, my writing. So, no more regrets!

When I feel like writing, even when it is 02:00 am, I write. I love it! And even now, when I read other aspiring writers blogs and see, that like me they also struggle to cope with wanting to be writers and having other priorities in life, I suddenly feel comforted and honoured to be part of their writing worlds . And let me tell you these ladies write fantastic and realistic posts that make me proud to be an aspiring writer.

As you can see I have been very busy today chatting up a storm. And I truly just get carried away. Maybe I should use this energy on my novel.


Man, does my head hurt! I have finished my preliminary wine course and it went well. A few people were actually friendly and they chatted to me, so I didn't end up in the corner by myself as usual (thank goodness). The theory was very informative as it should be and for once the people weren't a problem. But the actual tasting of the wine...Now there was a big problem! I am not a big drinker and even though I used a spittoon, I ended up with a headache from hell and very rosy cheeks. I wore a scarf to the class, but halfway through I ended up getting rid of it. I was suddenly so hot and uncomfortable that I could barely focus. Not to mention that I had a hard time smelling and tasting what the lecturer suggested.

But I enjoyed it and most importantly I learned a lot. My exam is the 14Th of July, so I still have to finish that before I can really breath again. Oh, and a few people actually gave me advice on how to get a job on a wine estate. I don't mind pouring wine for tourists for a living. It will be a lot better then being an unemployed aspiring writer. Don't get me wrong, I would love to just write and make that my life, but in reality I can't. I have to be a big girl.


FANTASTIC! That is all I can say. I loved the movie, even though it wasn't exactly like the book. It was funny and mooshy at exactly the right times and the acting was good. But if you are not a fan of the Stephenie Meyer books, then you won't like the movie. Then again, my brother didn't read the books and he hated the previous two movies, but he actually liked this movie, so it is guy friendly and there is hope for him yet.

I can't wait to go see it again. I am just waiting for the craziness to calm down first. Last night people were pushing and shoving to get into the cinema and yes, we did have booked seats. Getting into the cinema alive was about the only unpleasant thing.

What is the point?

Today I was plagued with the idea, why? And why?  Everywhere these days there's a silent rule imposed by some invisible person or person...