Saturday, July 10, 2010


I started studying for my test on Wednesday and it was hard to get started. It has been two and a half years since I last studied and I could tell. My brain almost refuses to take any of the information in. Who would have thought studying the history of wine could be so difficult?
But I still have a few days to study, so no worries.

Friday, July 9, 2010


For the sake of not wanting to come across as being deceitful, I thought I should mention that my birth name is not Murees Dupé. It is my pen name that I promised my family I would use so that my writing ambitions were not associated with their good name at all. My family didn't want to be embarrassed when after trying my best to pursue a writing career, it turns out I have absolutely no writing talent what so ever.

So, I am sorry if it may come across as deceitful, but if I want to write it has to be anonymously. Though funny enough, my pen name is really close to my real name. Ha! Ha!


I got off from work today, because I had to renew my drivers licence before things get too busy. Miraculously I only sat at the traffic department for 20 minutes, which is fast for their standards. My mom and I did the weekly grocery shopping and then we came home to clean the house.

My books from writers digest also came today. Now I can really get things going. I am getting my other half of my manuscript back next week, so I am excited about that. I didn't write yesterday and I probably wont get to it today either. I am going to try and finish the last few chapters of my manuscript this weekend. I hate editing at work, because I can't deal with it when people star reading over your shoulder.

Well, I guess I have to start editing now. And I know I am a freak, but I am going to watch eclipse again, tonight. It's OK, you can judge me.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


There is just one downside of being part of an online world or forum. Spammers/Hackers. I don't know what it is about me or my profile picture, But for some reason I receive emails from all kinds of people claiming they are writers digest community members, which I know they are not.

Reason being: Spammers always send you messages that say ''Please reply to this email'' and another reason is that I check out their profile pages and it usually has minimal information about them. Almost every single day I have a message like that and it usually starts with '' Hi, I saw your profile on the writers digest community forum...'' blah...blah...blah, you get the picture. So, be aware of those kinds of people. Important: Never reply to any of those messages or emails, ever.

People like that just really get on my nerves. As if life as an aspiring writer isn't tough enough, you still have to worry about people trying to scam you all the time.


I started working today and it went well. Everyone was happy to see me, but whether they were really happy or just being nice for face sake, I will never know. Basically all I do is man the switchboard and help visitors with their inquiries.

I edited three chapters while sitting at my desk, today. It was a really quiet day and I was surprised I got so much done. I am a little bummed because I don't seem to have any energy left to write. And this was exactly what I was afraid of. Now that I am back at a demanding job I don't get time to write, accept on weekends, but at least I am getting a lot of editing done.

I am afraid to say it but things are actually going well for me for a change. Accept that one of my friends sent me one of those chain letters that say ''if you don't foreword this you will have a lifetime of bad luck''. Personally I don't believe in stuff like that and why the hell, would a friend send you crap like that? I wouldn't send another person an email like that. So, if anything happens to me and I am no longer blogging, then you know my friends little email got me.

I am going to edit a few more chapters. I feel inspired and determined to make that manuscript shine. I am actually excited to get to the stage where I get my first rejection letter. It sounds weird I know.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


I got offered another temporary job! I have to start tomorrow and I will be working as a receptionist until they can replace the current one. Naturally, I will be applying for the job too, but it is a income. I can still edit my work and write, not as much as I would like but write none the less. I am so happy! I have a job! OK just for a few months, but still! It's a job.


I started editing my first manuscript and so far I am actually enjoying it. I finished one chapter yesterday. so I am smiling. It makes me feel more at ease knowing I am doing something productive instead of waiting around for feedback. Like I said before, there are a lot of changes that need to be made in order for me to be satisfied. However, I don't want to totally gut it. I am just focusing on the spelling, sentence structures and making sure that the paragraphs flow into each other.

What is the point?

Today I was plagued with the idea, why? And why?  Everywhere these days there's a silent rule imposed by some invisible person or person...