Friday, July 16, 2010


I received my first nickname at work today. I am not pleased about it at all. This guy came up to me and asked me if I was conceived on a short weekend, because I am short. Now the jerk calls me Shorty.

I suppose it could have been worse, but it is still rude. I just laughed off his insensitive comment, not wanting to show him that his comment upset me. I refused to give him the satisfaction. In reality I felt like punching him square in the face and let me tell you I was really close too. But I remembered how hard it was for me to get a job before and to end up unemployed again because of an ass like that, was just not worth it. Rest assured, I will have a character who will kick the crap out of a guy with a similar attitude in my next novel. I will get my revenge.

I wrote a bit at work again today. But besides the few pages at work, I don't really write a lot at the moment. Our computer needs to be reformatted or defragmented, which ever, I am useless with computer terminology. So, I don't want to write or edit until that is done. I already have so many copies of my two manuscripts that it is driving me crazy. I have this fear that after they cleaned the hard drive or what ever it is they do, that none of my back ups are going to work and I would have to retype both manuscripts. Can you imagine that? My family would have to rush me off to the emergency room for resuscitation because believe you me, I would die right there and then.

Shorty! Urgh! I can't help that I am short and I hate it even more that it is still bothering me. But I guess it is a small taste of what it will be like when I start submitting my manuscript. Agents and editors are ruthless and just as demeaning with their responses.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Today I did quite a bit of writing between calls. I have sort of developed my own mad scientist type of handwriting and I have valid reasons why.

1. I don't like it when people read over my shoulder so, if they can't read what I write maybe they will stop attempting to read it.

2. I am too lazy to write out all the words in full. I don't have a lot of privacy to type on the computer and I think writing stuff kind of helps me get into the writing mood.

    I know what you are thinking, when does this chick work when she is writing most of the time? Well, it is very quiet at the moment and they won't let me read at my desk, so I write. I can't just sit there and stare out of the window. Yes, I have an active imagination, but not that active that it will keep me amused for hours.

    People are becoming friendlier and I am starting to adjust to the new work environment. But I have to be aware of certain people at the office who are constantly trying to take advantage of the new girl. Why can't people just leave you alone and let you do your job?

    Anyway, I will start making the big changes to my first manuscript soon, just waiting for the computer to be reformatted and then I will start. I am dreading the changes to my first three chapters though, but I know it is necessary.

    Wednesday, July 14, 2010


    I have finally finished my exam! I am so happy to be free! Yeah!

    I wrote about 5 pages today while I was at work. I am very happy with what I wrote. Only problem is that it is a scene for my third manuscript and I am only busy with the second. But I guess I can always put it away for later use.

    Tuesday, July 13, 2010


    Welcome Leah, thank you for following my blog.


    I have just finished reading Revision and Self-Editing by James Scott Bell. It was very informative and what I liked about this book was that he explained everything as simply as possible. I am not ashamed to say that I am rather simple minded.

    Most of the book focuses on the basics of writing. Which was absolutely perfect for me, because he tells you what to do and what not to do. As well as what to look for when you edit. Not to mention all the handy writing exercises.

    Basically, what I learned is that there is no formula to perfect editing. Your manuscript quality will depend on you, the author and you alone. All I can do is polish my manuscript to the best of my ability and hope it is good enough for who ever reads it.

    Monday, July 12, 2010


    It really was just another uneventful day. Work was rather quiet, not much to do so I started to read one of the books I bought about self-editing and it is actually very helpful. It gave me a lot more to think about.

    Didn't do any writing at all. I just read the book and studied, again. I can't wait for the test to be over and done with. Honestly, this is my last exam ever. I really don't have the capacity or patience for studying anymore and because I am so obsessive, I can't let my mind think creatively till I finish this damn test! Urgh!

    I learned today that some people are really manipulative. At work I noticed that certain female colleagues are nice when they are with you, but behind your back they are completely catty. I am just going to do my job and not care about making friends or being liked. I don't want to get involved in any of the drama.

    Got some feedback from my manuscript. She also felt that the flow wasn't exactly write and that I used too much commas, which is a mistake I had picked up on my half of the manuscript too. But overall she liked the style of writing and she thought I was creative.

    So, I am pretty happy with the events of the day.

    Sunday, July 11, 2010


    As the title of this post suggests, I am extremely tired. I spent most of my weekend editing and studying. I finally finished my half of my manuscript. It is mainly thanks to my mild case of over compulsive disorder. Once I started I just couldn't stop editing till I was finished and satisfied with the end results.

    I haven't started making changes on the computer yet. I think that might take a lot longer to fix. After all, I made quite a lot of changes and I already know that I want to rewrite the first three chapters. I need to make it a bit more original and a lot more memorable.

    I am psyching myself up for work tomorrow. I don't think I will ever get use to working with people. It will always be a source of fear and intimidation for me, but it is also a great source of inspiration. It gives me lots of possible characters and personalities that I can use for my novels.

    I had my first glass of Cognac tonight. I liked it but I still like my local brand of brandy better. I am not really a drinker, but I like to have a little brandy every now and again. Why did I drink Cognac? Because my brother thought I should know what it tastes like. Me, liking brandy instead of wine or beer. My brother wants to broaden my horizons, let me know what else is out there, so to speak.

    I just hope the brandy doesn't keep me up the whole night. I need to get some deserved sleep, before I go work tomorrow. Oh, I also have a cold, again. Also contributing to my lack of sleep. But I am off to bed now. Have a great day everybody!

    What is the point?

    Today I was plagued with the idea, why? And why?  Everywhere these days there's a silent rule imposed by some invisible person or person...