Sunday, August 1, 2010


Can you guys believe it is August? It seems as if the year has just flown by. In about 4 months time it is going to be Christmas again.

I personally still have a few goals for this year that I haven't yet accomplished. I still need to fully edit my first manuscript and I still need to lose a few more kilograms. But hell. If I don't do it then it is not the end of the world. I have to stop being a control freak.

We baked all sorts of goodies for my sister yesterday and today I feel sick. I didn't even indulge. Just the taste of one piece of cake was enough to make me sick. I think I might be allergic to sugar, if that is even possible. I enjoyed a glass or two of coke and it tasted awesome.

Tomorrow is week four at work. I can't believe I have been working there so long. I guess that is a good thing. It is really weird how fast time has passed.

Saturday, July 31, 2010


I took it easy. I didn't write or edit today. I got some very good advice from a fellow aspiring writer, suggesting I take a break and I did so. Thank you very much for the great advice as always.

I spent some good quality time with the family, all of us talking again-at last. My sister is buying herself another computer soon. Meaning the four of us will no longer be sharing one, so I don't have to wait for them to finish their stuff in order for me to write.

I did a ton of baking today for my sisters birthday. I actually surprised myself at how good I can be at baking. Must say, after making all the goodies I am not looking forward to eating any of it.


At day I am just me.
Boring, plain and restrained.
I am forced to smile.
Even when I want to cry.

But at night,
I am completely different.
I am happy, talented and free.
I even smile because I want too.

I dread when the morning comes near.
The bright beautiful day,
a symbol of my restraints

Welcome is the sight of twilight,
signaling that my real life,
is about to begin.

This is a poem I wrote about how I juggle two different lives. During the day I am the receptionist and during the night I am an aspiring writer. However, I never stop wanting to write. During the day I just pretend to be someone else for 8 hours.


I am making progress. I started with the editing of my first manuscript. It is going a bit slow. My job makes me feel tired mentally and physically, so I don't really do a lot of writing or editing during the week. So much for my new writing schedule. Besides updating my posts, I have not written anything in a while, which has me worried.

Me not being able to write is driving me insane. I am suffering from a lack of sleep, yet again. Not that I could sleep at all before. I feel sad and I just don't seem to have any energy at all. Instead of adapting to working and writing, I am mostly just working. I don't seem to have much time for anything else.

But I am hoping to get a lot done this weekend. My family life is still strenuous, but we try to tolerate each other as best we can.


Today was one hell of a day. Everything that could have gone wrong at work, went wrong. Things were crazy and I was really busy. People were complaining about me not answering the phone fast enough and people were mean and I got a lot of attitude. There was just so much stuff going on at once that I am still feeling stressed.

I have a constant headache and after three weeks of working there, I have decided I don't like my job or working with people. But I will keep working as the temporary receptionist. After all it is a job and it is an income. The whole point of being an adult is making sacrifices, right? So what if I am not happy? At least I have an income and I am employed.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I have a strange obsession with trees. Oak trees especially. The place where I work has a beautiful garden with some of the most beautiful trees and scenery ever. So, I like to go outside in my lunchtime and take pictures of the trees, flowers and just what ever I find beautiful.

It sounds weird doesn't it? Even the people at work think I am crazy. One man actually asked me what I was doing. Is it really that crazy to say you like trees? If it is I don't care. They make me happy and they make me feel inspired.

I just love how the trees looks during winter. They look rather dramatic.


As you know I recently blogged about needing to read some good books, after I kept choosing horrible ones. So, I went back to my rather unimpressive stack of books and noticed a pattern of sorts.

All my books were written by authors who are very good, even brilliant storytellers. Which explains why I only read the books of the select few authors I actually do like. Not all authors are very good storytellers, so when I find one I do like, I stick to their work. I don't care how fancy their writing techniques are or how broad their vocabulary is, if an author can't make me enjoy what I am reading then I won't read that authors book. This might sound simple to you but to me it's a revelation!

So I can see how most of us aspiring writers can get confused. We all want to be good writers, but how do we determine if we are good or not? Publishers? Agents? Are they really the ones to tell us if we are good or not? I don't think so. Because remember, they only go with authors who they feel will make them the most money or which project they personally feel more comfortable with. It is almost like a lucky draw. Just because you get turned down doesn't make you a bad writer. It just means you don't fit into their marketing strategy.

Now, my point. You can be a writer who makes a few grammar mistakes, but knows how to tell a story. The one who has readers hooked by the first paragraph and forces that reader to try and finish your book as fast as possible, because they want to know how your books ends. Or you can be the the writer who has perfect grammar and spelling. The writer who follows all the rules of writing to a T. But who doesn't really hook the writer. You go for audiences who want to feel intelligent and who will brag with the fact that they read your book. But did they live themselves into your story. Did they feel and understand the conflicts your characters faced? Did they feel themselves get excited when a big scene of conflict arose? I suppose a select few do both. Have great story telling abilities and great grammar, writing techniques and all that other stuff, but most don't.

No? To me a good storyteller is the most essential thing. I want to escape. I want to live in the world you created. I want to sympathize with your characters. I want to believe in the impossible. If you can achieve that then to me you are a good, even a great writer. And through personal experience I have noticed that not all published authors are good storytellers.

What does it boil down to? If you can't tell a good story, I don't read your work. Life is hard enough. I don't need a dictionary to decipher a book and I wont force myself to read a book I don't enjoy. I don't care how stupid that makes me sound. I studied for 19 years of my 24 year old life. I am finished with trying to be smart. I am all about reading for enjoyment.

What is the point?

Today I was plagued with the idea, why? And why?  Everywhere these days there's a silent rule imposed by some invisible person or person...