Thursday, August 5, 2010

Problems with my blog

I have been having a problem with my blog. Apparently I am not able to post anything on my blog. But I hope to sort that out soon.


Today was a good day for me. I took the day off from work to celebrate my sisters birthday. I got in a very good workout, which I feel great about. Because of all the celebrating I didn't get any writing or editing done. But I know I will get lots done this weekend.

The temporary reception job I am doing now is advertised in the local papers as a permanent job. I applied for it, just so that I can have an income. Don't know if I will actually get it though. I am applying for another job too. It is a reception job/wine sales/administration job. But I won't stress about it. If I get it, I get it, if I don't then just too bad. I just can't worry about things out of my control anymore.


As I was sitting at my desk yesterday, doing my job and minding my business, one of my co-workers approaches me and asks me for a pen. He had some document he wanted to fill in. But then, as he starts filling in the form he mentions that my brother (we work for the same company, but I got the job on my own, no nepotism) told him I wanted to be a writer.

My eyes were bulging inside my head. I am not ashamed of being an aspiring writer, but I don't want everyone knowing that I want to be one. Anyway, I smile politely and nod. He then mentions to me that his youngest daughter, who is at university, wants to be a writer too and that she has spent the last year researching how to become a writer.

I wish her the best of luck though. I hope that writing will one day make her as happy as it makes me.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I am no longer a member of the writers digest community. It is a good site, but it is just not for me. I just visited it a few minutes ago and I simply didn't like how certain writers could just rip other writers work to shreds simply because their personal opinion of what is good or not, differs. Is it really necessary to disrespect someone else because they are different?

As you know I have enough crap in my life and the last thing I need, is being afraid to express my creativity because certain people know everything about everything.

All in all it is a good site if you need advice or want to make new friends. I am thankful, because if it wasn't for writers digest I would never have met Heather Garner. A fellow writer who's blog, (The waiting is the hardest part) and writing I just adore. And like me, she too struggles to become a professional writer. And thanks to Heather's blog I also met Leah Renee, (Writing on veggies), another writer who is also very talented. Two very cool ladies I might add.

I recommend the writers digest site to anyone who wants to be part of a writing community or socially interact with other writers. Personally, I will just stick to my blog. It's not very popular, but it allows me to write, which is all I care about right now.


I know this might sound insane but I am using all my negative energy and feelings and actually using it in my writing. Not to mention all my embarrassing stories might come in handy. My characters are going to need all kinds of depth and a whole wheel of emotions and who better then an over emotional person like me to provide them?

I am making notes of how I am feeling every day so that I can use it in my next book. Some good might as well come from my latest slump.

One memory that bothers me though, is the one of me, confessing my love to my college crush in a very well written email and then only finding out later, after I resent it a second time, that he is actually happily married and that he thinks I am insane. Not that he replied, no, my sister found out that he is married and thought she might put me out of my misery. The upside to that memory is that I wrote my first book and the the girl actually does get the guy in my book. She gets the happy ending I wanted, but I am actually glad I didn't get, because who knows if I would still have been writing if I was living happily ever after somewhere.

Yes, I might be unhappy about certain aspects of my life, but I can't let it get me down. I just can't. So why not use them? In the end I will have all the ass wholes to thank if my ideas actually turn out to be any good. In the long run, the meaner they are to me, the more inspiration they give me and in fact, they would just be fueling my creativity. So bring on the ass wholes, because I have a lot of books I still want to write.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Life goes on

I edited 2 chapters yesterday, which makes me happy. I got some good ideas for new projects, so I am just making notes of that. I am not doing any writing, but I am hoping to get back into the swing of things.

Monday, August 2, 2010


I am ashamed to say it, but I am the most ungrateful person in the world. I hate my job. It, along with most of my work colleagues, makes me absolutely miserable. I tried just taking it easy and not stressing but they truly upset me today.

I know how many people are unemployed in my country and how lucky I am to be employed. Still, I am not happy. I tried just doing my job to the best of my abilities and not getting caught up in the drama, but still my best is just not good enough. I came so close to telling them to shove their job there where the sun don't shine.

My family is rightfully, giving me a lot of crap. My mom doesn't like the fact that I seem to be unable to work for a boss. I can work for a boss, what I cant do is work with people that all think that they are my boss and that they are entitled to treat me like crap just because they can.

My family thinks that I am making all of this up so that I can stay home and just write. Which is not the truth. I have told them before that I have a problem working with people and they just laughed at me. I don't think being a receptionist/switchboard operator is the best job for someone who can't handle people.

I had a great idea for a post this morning, about what you can do to feel better when you are down on your luck. However, I cant publish it now considering that I would be a hypocrite. I don't feel like being rational at the moment and the last think I want to do is write about something that isn't true. So me, suggesting to other people to relax and not taking my own advice, would be severely hypocritical.

What is the point?

Today I was plagued with the idea, why? And why?  Everywhere these days there's a silent rule imposed by some invisible person or person...