Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Me, my mom and two sisters got a bit down and dirty with the power tools as we did yet another one of my moms little renovating projects. I am covered in sawdust but playing around with a few power tools is well worth it. It makes me feel all tough.

My brother, of course, was off on yet another one of his spiritual adventures (not that I have a problem with religion) but it is good that we females do handy work for ourselves. We learn to be independent and why wait for a man to do it for you when you can just as easily do it yourself? At least that is what I say. I love my brother but I can't always wait around for him to do stuff for me.

Apparently our next project is painting my one sisters room this weekend. I can't even slip away or use my "I'm sorry I am writing'' excuse because they saw me celebrate as I printed up my manuscript last night. What an idiot I can be sometimes.

So that whole rest and take it easy thing is out the window for me. But book number two is already in the works. Just taking a bit more time off before I begin again.


I have just finished reading The Art Of War For Writers by James Scott Bell. And I found it to be a good book to have regardless of what stage of your writing you are at in your life. Whether you are a beginner or a professional writer, it doesn't matter. He explains everyday scenarios very well and I personally learned a lot of new things too.

He tells you plainly what life as a professional writer is like and he even talks about how to survive and prosper as an aspiring writer. In my personal opinion I think it is a must have, especially if you are anything like me. I constantly feel lost in this whole journey of trying to get published and some days I just don't know how to handle certain problems.

Just thought I should share this.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Tonight I printed my newly edited manuscript to have it proofread and I was all emotional. I felt like and idiot but it also felt like such a big achievement. It has truly become my baby.

I am reveling in the smell of printer ink and smiling at the burning sensation at the tips of my fingers from my newly acquired paper cuts. Thanks to the sorting of various chapters to make it easier to read. The sound of the crisp white pages shuffling, still sings a song in my head. Oh, the memory.

I know what you are thinking ''Did this woman take her medication this morning?''. But it is just a big thing to me. I am one step closer to my goal which is to start querying agents.

Baby steps, little baby steps...but I am getting there.

Saturday, October 2, 2010


I am finally done with my editing (loud scream for effect).

It has taken me a while but I am done. I must say I am relieved. It was becoming like the never ending battle. Even though I still have to give the finished product to my romance novel loving sister to proofread. Even then I can just tweak it where ever she might have encountered a problem but the ''working through the novel with a fine tooth comb'' part is finally over.

Must say that I did learn a lot during the whole process. The next novel I write will definitely have the proper formatting and I will apply all the new knowledge I have learned to my next project. So editing the next novel should be easier, in theory.

I am just smiling like a fool right now. Well I am off to get my much deserved sleep.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Today was one of my very bad days. Things at work were just stressful and horrible. I nearly quit but I reminded myself that I needed the income.

My editing is going very slow. I have about 200 pages left to edit. That is without the changes my friend had suggested. But so far I am happy with my novel. But when I am done editing I will give it to my oldest sister to proofread. She loves her romance novels and she is very honest and extremely critical of any new writers in that category. She will definitely tell me if it is crap. She has been reading every type of romance novel available for the past 32 years. So I think her opinion, from a readers perspective, will be very valuable.

Made a list of possible agents I want to query, today. I am still doing my research regarding the various agents. I am working on my query letter and synopsis in the mean time as well.

Slowly but surely I am making progress.


I discovered a new author (for me at least) last week, courtesy of my sisters varying taste in romance novels. You might already know and love her but I read her one book "Darkest Night'' and I just fell in love with Gena Showalter's style of writing as well as each and everyone of the Lords of the underworld.

So now I am reading as much of her novels as possible. The Lords of the Underworld series is exquisite. I just love it. Love it. Love it. I can't seem to get enough.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


I have recently discovered my calming agent. That one thing that pulls me through one of those tough times, that makes me forget about all my troubles. Sugar.

Honestly. Whether it be a simple thing like a glass of coke, a bite of a chocolate bar or (pause for effect) A cupcake! Even frozen yogurt does the trick. I don't know how, I don't know why but it completely turns my mood right around.

Though I don't think eating to calm your nerves is the best thing to do. I am working on breathing techniques at the moment to deal with the stress, but if I want a quick fix, I just need to eat a sweet and I am relaxed.

Weird, I know. After my friends criticism of my novel I finally indulged on cupcakes and I felt better. And soon after that I convinced myself to accept the criticism and write it off as a way to develop a thicker skin. Because apparently you need one if you are even considering submitting your work to anyone.

But yeah, sugar. It is my friend and yet it is also my enemy. My brother always tells me ''A moment on the lips but forever on the hips''. Sad...But true.

What is the point?

Today I was plagued with the idea, why? And why?  Everywhere these days there's a silent rule imposed by some invisible person or person...