Saturday, April 2, 2011

BLOGGING - yay or nay

Like many, I too was sceptical of blogging when I first started. I was and still am extremely paranoid. But once I started blogging I realized how great it was to write about things that were on my mind and often have people comment. Regularly offering help full advice or fantastic words of encouragement.

I have made many wonderful friends and still make new ones daily, thanks to blogging. For without the support of my fellow bloggers I would not have made it through some of the toughest times.

So I say ''Yay'' to blogging. It might not be to every one's taste but I cannot fault it.

PS! My A=Adventure post is also on my blog. Don't know why it didn't show up as published but I did post it. In case anybody wanted to read it. Just saying.

Friday, April 1, 2011


To many the word ''adventure'' does note evoke strong feelings of terror or the sudden flow of never ending tears. But for me, the before mentioned factors are very true.

I am afraid of the unknown and I am an absolute control freak. So Naturally I was worried sick about the A-Z challenge and you know what? Once I calmed down I got some great ideas.

Which brings me to the conclusion that A-Z is actually a good source of adventure for me. How you ask? Well I might not be living on the edge here but I am going outside my comfort zone and I still get to have some sort of control in the end so...yeah, I'm a freak (big smile).

So here is to adventure...Hopefully I can push myself a bit more and do something completely spontaneous! Ha! Ha! Not.

Thank you to Arlee Bird and the wonderful A-Z team for making this great challenge possible.

Thursday, March 31, 2011


I have been having some problems scheduling my posts, because I was being a bit stupid, so I apologize if there has been any confusion about posts appearing and then quickly disappearing. My bad.

So what was the problem? Oh, nothing. Just me continuously typing in the wrong time digits. See! I told you I was having a stupid moment.

Anyway,I hope everyone gets a good night's sleep. See you all at the A-Z challenge!

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Hi everyone! I am happy to be blogging again. It feels as if I haven't done so in ages. But moving on...

My brother has finally finished reading and editing my book. He showed me where I was going wrong on the technical aspect and man, were there tons of problem areas. Though, he did mention that I had made him uncomfortable with some of the love scenes. Goal! He also said that he sees me, his baby sister, in a new light and he is a bit shocked. Sorry, can't be helped. People need to end up together some time.

I have yet to start making some of the changes he has suggested. Most are changes that many of you have suggested as well. So, I must say he did a rather good job. I am actually very impressed.

I have a ton of work to do on the manuscript, but oh well. It is necessary.

I still have a knot in the pit of my stomach because of the A-Z challenge. I have a few ideas but nothing concrete yet. I just don't want to disappoint all my new followers. But April is almost here. So good-luck and see you guys there!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I have been awarded this beautiful award by the talented and awesome Deirdra Coppel of and

Thank you Deirdra for this wonderful award. I truly appreciate it.

Monday, March 21, 2011


I just thought I had to share these pictures of my cat, Katie, interrupting me during one of my many editing sessions. She felt very sorry for me and felt that I needed a break. Katie also likes to actively help with my writing endeavors by jumping onto the computer desk and running across the keyboard. What can I say? I have one artistic cat. But unfortunately, she also loves the delete button. Luckily for me, Microsoft Word has an undo feature.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


As many of you know I have not been blogging as regularly as I used to and as a previous post suggested, I have been a bit out of it lately. I have been trying to run at full steam 24/7 and it is impossible.

I accepted that I can only do so much and that there is no use worrying about things that I cannot do or get to. Once I allowed myself to calm down a bit I managed to come up with a few ideas for posts in the upcoming A-Z challenge. And yes, I was seriously freaking out but it is now a thing of the past.

I have not been writing either, but I did partake in a few awesome blogfests and I met a lot of very cool people. But I found that social networking, like most things that are fun, is very addictive. I was so worried about not stopping by every one's blog to leave a comment that in the end I drove myself absolutely crazy and the next day I had a total melt down at work, because everyone there was just adding to my already heavy load.

So, I came up with the easiest solution that is so simple it is ridiculous. I will only visit a few blogs a day. That way I can visit everyone at least once a week and that will be my strategy for the whole A-Z challenge as well. I know it is not the point of a blog hop or a blogfest but that is my only solution. I can honestly not stop by 30 blogs a day, everyday and manage to write. I am sorry if this plan offends anyone but that is what I have to do to stay sane.

Speaking of blogfests...I will also not be participating in any new blogfest for a while, aside for the A-Z challenge. I like taking part in blogfests but then I still get overwhelmed trying to read every one's entries in a limited amount of time. I have found myself only visiting 8 bloggers but getting 16 comments and in the end I feel like a jerk because I can't return the favor.

See! I over think everything. But that is my strategy. Good-luck with all the writing endeavors. Hope that inspiration is abundant for all.

What is the point?

Today I was plagued with the idea, why? And why?  Everywhere these days there's a silent rule imposed by some invisible person or person...