Saturday, April 16, 2011


Nymphs, at times thought of as nothing more than promiscuous females, originates from Greek mythology. Though, I don’t get to read a lot about nymph fiction characters. I would love to read more about some form of nymph character who isn’t supposed to be so beautiful that she is nothing but a seductress.

Come on people. Where are the bad ass nymph characters that, sure they are beautiful, but would kick your ass if you just looked at them wrong? After all, according to Greek mythology, some of them hung out with Artemis, who of course you know was a real bad ass.

According to me nymphs are very underrated and unfairly cheapened. I think I have to write my own version of a nymph story.

First gnomes and now nymphs. I am getting more ideas for stories day by day.

Friday, April 15, 2011


I absolutely love music. It can inspire me to write some great scenes, whether it be a love scene or a fighting scene.

My music taste is also very diverse. I can listen to classical music the one moment and listen to Metallica the next. My mood determines what I listen to. It also determines which scene I will be writing that day or the next. It is also great if I want to prepare myself to write a particular scene. For example, if my characters are in a club, I put on some dance music, turn it up really loud and just write how it affects me. So music has a much greater impact on my writing than I first realized. But I am thankful for it. I guess music is my muse.

So what is your opinion about music and writing? Do you like listening to music when you write or not?

Thursday, April 14, 2011


I thought this up while trying to figure out my next novels storyline. Ok, so you have your leading lady and she has to choose between two possible love interests. But…one is true love and the other is simple lust. How is she to know which is which? Make the wrong choice and you could lose the love of your life forever.

Now I am thinking if I was her…how I would know the difference? How would I know that I am just lusting after a guy’s body and not him in general? I honestly don’t know. I suppose the one that loves you would care more about you while the one lusting after you would care for a more physical relationship. Regardless, such a choice or circumstance would be quite a dilemma. Let’s just hope I never get saddled with that choice. Dumping one guy and finding out months later that the one you chose dumped you for someone prettier…

I read the back covers of a few romance novels, who shall remain nameless, and it said something like “Will he be able to fight off his lust for her body or will she give into her love for him”. That theme came across a lot and that just confuses me even more. She loves him but he only lusts after her and they are supposed to live happily ever after? Come on! Why can’t he love her too?

Ok, I am driving myself crazy. But honestly, would you be able to tell the difference? Is there a safe choice?

Personally I would want the love…if I can spot the difference, but that’s just me.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I am a believer in Karma. I believe that if you do bad things to others, bad things will happen to you. That’s why I am a firm believer in do unto others as you would have done unto you.

I always try to be polite and courteous towards a fellow human being, but let’s face it. Sometimes there are people out there that I just cannot be nice to and then Karma comes back and kicks me in the backside.

I just hope that Karma works for aspiring writers as well. If you work hard, your hard work will be rewarded…or something like that. That kind of assurance would be great right?

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Juggling? What is this woman talking about? Well I am talking about working a full time job while still trying to fit in things like family and writing. At times I feel like a crazy person. But I have assured myself that it will all be worth it someday.

But speaking of juggling…there are quite a few bloggers out there who do an amazing job of juggling. You live crazy hectic lives and then you still manage to write great posts. You guys are awesome! So this post is for you fantastic people who do such an amazing job with juggling life and its many priorities that you make me look like an amateur. You are great role models for the rest of us and your message of “No matter what gets thrown your way, keep going” is well received and I admire you for it. I take my hat off to you.

Monday, April 11, 2011


I don’t know about the rest of you but the idea’s for this week’s posts have been few. Though, I wish to thank each and every one who stopped by to leave a comment the past week. I am grateful.

I also wish to thank all the awesome people who decided to follow my blog. I hope I can keep you entertained. You guys are a wonderful source of inspiration. You guys are the fuel that keeps me going. Thank you.

Saturday, April 9, 2011


No I am not going to write a crazy ranting post while cussing continuously. But what I am going to do is tell you what I seriously hate.

1. I hate it when my different food groups touch on my plate.

2. I hate it when other people pour sauce over my food. If there is any sauce to be added, I will do so myself.

3. I hate evil people. Yes, they are out there, beware.

4. I hate crowds.

5. I hate rude people.

6. I hate being the youngest in my family. Torture!

7. I hate it when people stare at me.

8. I hate gelatin! Animal hooves and joints anyone? Ew!

9. I hate going to funerals.

10. I hate it when I gain weight. Duh, who doesn’t?

11. I hate it when I buy a book that has gotten great reviews, but when I read it, I can’t get past chapter two.

Wow! I hate a lot of things and I am sure there are a ton of other things I hate too, but I won’t bore you with the rest. So what do you hate and makes your blood boil?

What is the point?

Today I was plagued with the idea, why? And why?  Everywhere these days there's a silent rule imposed by some invisible person or person...