Monday, December 12, 2011


It is that time again, meaning that I have to attend another family wedding, which just so happens to be in Johannesburg this weekend. This will be my first time travelling there, so that should be quite an experience. I will tell you guys how it went.

But there is definitely something going on, because 3 of my cousins got married this year and now the 4Th one this weekend. There is a lot of love going around.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Keeping true to the Insecure Writers Support Group theme, which was started by the fabulous blogger and writer, Alex J. Cavanaugh, I am actually writing about a real fear today.

I have been thinking for a while now about how we writers put a lot of love, effort and dedication into our stories, whether it is novels, novellas or even short stories. With every piece we write, we share a part of us, or at least with me that is what happens.

I have had this terrifying haunting feeling that…what if nobody, aside for my critique partners, ever reads any of my stories? What if nobody ever wants to publish them? What if I never find a literary agent who believes in me and my writing enough, to represent me? What if I only ever end up writing for myself?

When I started I was more than happy to write for myself, but now that I have actually finished a book and created these amazing characters, call me naïve, but I really wish to share them with the whole world by getting them published. So what if I believe so much in myself and my book and then…my dream never comes true? What if I have just been kidding myself all along?

Monday, December 5, 2011


Better is possible over at (, wanted to know if there is anything that she needs to know before renovating her kitchen as well?

I would say that you should definitely know what you want done. Do you merely want a facelift done to your kitchen, meaning just the cabinets and the décor changing, or would you like to gut your kitchen and possibly also make changes to the structure?

Then the other thing would be, to have people do the work for you that actually knows what they are doing. It is worth spending the extra few dollars on someone that you know is definitely a professional. We ended up having to do a lot of the laborious work ourselves and now I just wish we could have hired a professional, as it would have saved us a lot of time and the work would have been done properly the first time.

The third thing would to be know exactly what you want, because we made changes to the kitchen, including changes to the structure and now we do not have enough storage space, so we have to come up with another plan.

Other than that, I would say just try and find a way to make this whole renovation process easier on you and your family, because it is quite a big thing. Hope I could help.

Thank you so much for the question.

Saturday, December 3, 2011


I cannot wait for this whole renovation thing to be over. We just discovered that there is not enough storage space if we want to start putting the cabinets back up, so yeah, it might be a while before I show you the finished pictures, sorry.

So, because I have been working very hard, I feel like my brain is melting...I got this not judge me...that I will let you guys ask me all sorts of questions about me, in the comments space below of course, and then I will post my answers for you.

I don't know if there is anything anyone wants to ask me or know about me, but now is the time to find out a few more things, if you want.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Thank you so much to Annalisa Crawford for giving me this award. It is very much appreciated. You can visit her over at Annalisa can really do with more followers, just saying. Thank you again.

Ok, so how this award works is, you have to do the following:

Copy this award onto your blog.

Thank and link to the person that gave it to you.

Forward it to 5 bloggers that have less than 200 followers.

Comment on those 5 peoples blogs, to share the good news.

Sounds simple enough, that even I can do it, so here goes...I would like to pass this award on to the following bloggers.

What can I say? All these ladies are just fantastic and you should definitely pay them a visit.

Monday, November 28, 2011


I recently got back in touch with my best friend Jo, who I have been out of touch with for years, and honestly, it felt like no time went by at all.

Jo and I have known each other since we were children and she has been a great comfort and pillar of support for me, with regards to my life and writing. Jo has kind of taken me under her wing and has taught me that nothing is more important than loving what you write and having confidence in what you write. She has also shown me how to enjoy life.

Jo is also a writer, but she simply has a wonderful attitude that is just so inspiring and just wonderfully awesome. You cannot help but love her to pieces. I think everyone needs a friend like her. So thank you Jo, for being you.

Saturday, November 26, 2011


I thought that I will be a bit adventurous and show everyone, what the state of our current kitchen is, due to the renovations. Please, bare in mind it is not pretty. Sensitive viewers, avert your eyes.

One end of the kitchen

Other end of the kitchen

Same view, minus the dog , of course

Our two dogs, gossiping amongst themselves
about the terrible state of the kitchen, so typical

We already bough the tiles and chose the wall colours, so now it is just a matter of getting it all done. When it looks better, or should I say if, I will share those pictures with you guys too. But a tip for anyone thinking of doing any kind of renovations. Make sure you get the right people for the job and try to be calm and patient, as everything always takes longer than first planned.

What is the point?

Today I was plagued with the idea, why? And why?  Everywhere these days there's a silent rule imposed by some invisible person or person...