Thursday, February 16, 2012


I know for a fact that there are a lot of you out there that are great at photography, whether you know it or not. I have seen some of your pictures and you guys are talented.

There is this website called istockphoto, over at, which allows you to join their website for free and sells your photographs for you. You get paid in royalties and of course you pay them a small commission as well. I joined them recently and only after I had successfully registered, did I find out that my photographs are not good enough.

For the individuals that do not know, I usually take photographs of trees. Unfortunately my normal photos did not have the proper pixel count and I had to rely on other pictures. Anyway, it is a legitimate income and if you are looking for a way to get a few extra bucks, well you can try selling your photographs.

I am going to take a few new pictures to see if they are good enough. But with the website itself, I have not had any problems yet.

Monday, February 13, 2012


Have you ever found yourself in that awkward situation, where you are attending a dinner party or are in the middle of a conversation, when people start questioning you about whether you have actually read certain books? After all, you just told them that you are a writer, so that must mean that you have read most of the books on the market today, not to mention in existence.

Well friends, that has happened to me a lot and I am here to say that it is impossible to have read every single book in existence. There are millions of books in print these days, not to mention the various genres out there. Usually you only read books that are of interest to you. So sometimes, like my sister, you only read romance novels. Other times you read mystery books, and perhaps a little bit of a thriller when you have time. So why would you expect any of the individuals who I have just named to know what the best selling books in the Sci-Fi genre is, if they do not read those books?

It should not matter what books anybody reads or which ones they do not read. It is their choice and book snobs should not gauge. I will admit that there are many classics that I have never read. I also do not always read, but it does not mean that I am a literary moron either.

Sunday, February 12, 2012


I know that I have been a very bad blogger lately. I do not post regularly and to make matters worse, I do not visit half as many blogs as I would like to, which is a very jerky thing of me to do. Though, I am working on it, yet again. I am determined to work it all out so that I can get my blogging life back to normal.

The really weird part is that a few months ago, all I wanted was this freelance job. Now I finally have it and I have no time to do any writing that is not work related and I end up starting to neglect the people who are always there for guys. I am really sorry for that.

I really do like my job, I get to write and I get paid for it. Though, I would still love to be a novel writer too. It is my first love. So, I am not abandoning you guys. I am still the same person, with the same hopes and dreams. Just letting you guys know.

Also, I might not always comment on your posts, but it does not mean that I do not read them.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Sometimes were are beyond the power to control certain things in our life. Of course, when we overcome and conquer that obstacle, we do our happy dance and we end up smiling the whole day long, which is always a good things. But, what is not required, is for you to start thinking that you can part the sea's and bring the dead back to life.

I have heard a few of my beta readers mention that they absolutely enjoyed my book. Of course that made me smile, but I knew that there had to be a few things that they did not like and I was ready for a reality check. That is what life and writing should be like. Never once, did I start acting as if I am already a published writer. I know I still have a long way to go.

I always think that no matter what we do, no matter how big or small our achievements might be, we should always stay humble. It is ok to enjoy your successes in life, but every now and then, even Karma lets you eat a piece of humble pie when you get out of line.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


If you had asked me a few months ago, whether or not I was a talented writer, I would have said no. If you ask me today, then the best answer that I can give you is that I do me, perfectly. My writing is not perfect, I know that, but I like the way I write. I like the ideas I have and like how I interpret it. So far, I like my work a lot. In fact, the day I stop writing things that I don’t like, I will have to quit.

The Insecure Writers Support Group was created by the wonderful and talented author and blogger, Alex J. Cavanaugh. You guys can visit Alex over at

Friday, January 27, 2012


I recently received this award from the awesome K.D. Storm, over at Thank you so much for this award!

Because I have already received this award twice before, I will simply post it on my blog and which ever bloggers who do not have it yet and who have less than 200 followers, are welcome to claim it. I know that there are a lot of you who have not yet received your first blog award, well this one is for you.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


My latest distraction, Diesel

I am not really sure why, but I feel like a stranger on my own blog. It feels like I have not blogged in ages. Anyway, my new puppy, Diesel, has been keeping me very busy and of course I still work as a freelance writer. He truly is a darling dog, but the whole puppy thing is new to me, because the last time I had a puppy, I was 5 years old. My siblings raised their dogs on their own, so it is all a really new experience for me.

One things about Diesel though, is that he does not like to sleep, so he ends up waking me at 4 and 5 in the morning. I am trying to potty train him now, which I might add, is a very disgusting job, because he still pee's everywhere, yuck! I must admit though, he is the best distraction, ever.

What is the point?

Today I was plagued with the idea, why? And why?  Everywhere these days there's a silent rule imposed by some invisible person or person...