Saturday, March 24, 2012


I am really excited because I have been tagged by the wonderful and very talented Melissa Sugar, over at Melissa is a wonderful writer and she just so happens to be a lawyer by day, as well. You guys should really check out her blog, because it is exciting and there are tons of new and happening information on there.

So the here are the rules for the Lucky 7 Meme Tag:

1. Go to page 77 of your current ms.

2. Go to line 7.

3. Copy down the next 7 lines/sentences, and post them as they're written.

4. Tag 7 other authors.

Here is mine...This is from the novel I am currently querying, Immortal: New beginning.

I jumped back at the sound of movement.

There was a door built into the wall, that looked exactly like the wall. It was camouflaged.

When the door opened I could hear the music thumping inside the club. It was so loud that I covered my ears.

At the door stood two men, both of them taller than six foot and they were heavily built. They looked at me, then at Alex and then they looked at me again.

They were frowning at us.

“She’s with me.” Alex informed them.

They nodded and stepped out of the way.

Thank you again Melissa!

Now to pass on the Lucky 7 Meme Tag...Here goes...

Heather -

Tonja -

Beth -

Annalisa -

Ryshia -

Mish -

M.J. -

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


We have all heard about the saying "dress for success." Well, do any of you actually believe it? Has it really worked for you?

I have had this thought that I would like to be a more successful person. You know, the kind of woman that can go into a store and buy what she wants. One that is more than capable of being independent. One that can basically take care of herself. Now of course I was thinking if I stop walking around in jeans, t shirts and tennis shoes, maybe it could happen. Maybe if I wear a nice dress or skirts, with high heel shoes, that perhaps the universe will make something magical happen.

I know just how crazy this sounds, but that is the whole thing behind dressing for success right? Dressing for the life or job that you want. I do not see how clothes can make it all happen. Though, I am 26 years old and I have gotten many comments that I do not dress my age. Apparently I am always dressing older.

So do you dress for success?

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Last night I had the most amazing dream. I dreamt that I had gotten a phone call from a literary agent, but, I was out running errands. My brother gave me the message and of course she asked me to return her call. In my dream everything happened so fast and was just like I had imagined everything happening. After all, who wouldn't love a dream where a literary agent loves everything you wrote?

The awful part is that I immediately ran to my inbox this morning, hoping that my dream was a premonition of sorts and then, not even a rejection letter. My inbox only had the usual spam. As if the whole querying process is not tough enough, my own mind is taunting me. I must admit, I am not feeling that confident this morning.

The Insecure Writers Support Group was created by the wonderful and talented author and blogger, Alex J. Cavanaugh. You guys can visit Alex over at

Monday, March 5, 2012


Last year was a great blogging year for me. I made a lot of new friends, thanks to the A-Z blog hop and I really enjoyed myself a lot.

This year however, I will be sitting out on the A-Z blogging challenge. I would rather not do something halfway. But just because I am not taking part this year, does not mean that I will not be supporting all you guys. That is going to be what I am going to spend most of my blogging time on in April, cheering you guys on and giving you guys a ton of support.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


I know that many of us always ask ourselves, "why did this happen to me?". But the true question is, "why not you?" I know that at times things can get very tough, but there is not one experience that we writers cannot benefit from, by turning it into motivation or inspiration.

Whether you have to clean dog poop constantly, or get your children to behave or if you are just struggling with a very hectic life. You can use each and everyone of those experiences. All you have to do is be open minded.

Hobbies tend to be a very helpful thing too. I know that most of us just want to write and cut ourselves off from the world, or at least hat is what I do. I find that I am the most creative when there are more aspects to my life then just writing. After starting with my freelance career, nothing is tougher than having to just write and not doing much else. Somehow not living life, makes my writing lifeless.

So the next time you think why me, use that train of thought to achieve your writing brilliance. Nothing is worse then nothing happening...ever.

Do I make any sense? What do you guys think?

Monday, February 20, 2012


I have decided to leave the whole thing. I deleted my account, as is expected. It is just not my thing and I do not feel comfortable using it. Besides, I barely have time to blog these days and I actually like blogging.

These days I have been thinking about trying to write books that are aimed at other genre's. Not because I have no hope in my current genre, but more out of the sake of curiosity. Have you never wanted to just write a gruesome horror or thriller, wherein everyone that has ever been awful towards you, dies? Of course you have the decency to rename them and everything.

I think it is Mary Higgins Clark who said in an interview that she keeps killing her ex husband over and over in her books. Because it is not like I am a psycho or anything, just saying.

Saturday, February 18, 2012


I can be really stupid sometimes. I recently joined this social network for bloggers over at, because I received a ton of invites from anonymous bloggers, which I thought might be some of you guys, and I actually thought that I would join and keep in touch with you guys there.

I have no idea what I am doing there, I have no idea how to use the thing and I don't know anyone there. Unless some of you are on the website, in which case, come and save me, please.

I barely have time to blog, so why I joined this site I have no idea. Are any of you pureblogger users at all? Am I alone in that social media universe?

What is the point?

Today I was plagued with the idea, why? And why?  Everywhere these days there's a silent rule imposed by some invisible person or person...