Wednesday, September 5, 2012


We as writers are truly very strange creatures. We all have our various methods of how we come up with our fabulous story ideas, as well as how we make them come to life. With these varying approaches, our daily writer moods also vary. The one day we feel completely insecure about those words we have written, fully believing that we do not have one drop of talent flowing through our veins (which most days is definitely me). The next day we can write a few sentences that can leave us feeling liking a genius and believing that we might have written a possible masterpiece.

Some of us might be more logical, some of us might even write with more passion than others, but one thing we all are, no matter what approach we take, is writers. Writing is that thing we do that sets us apart. No matter how we do it, or if it might seem unorthodox and if many just do not understand it. It is that thing we do to make us whole.

The Insecure Writers Support Group was created by the wonderful and talented author and blogger, Alex J. Cavanaugh. You guys can visit Alex over at

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


When it comes to writing my romance novels, I always know ahead of time how the book needs to develop. How the characters get there is all up to fate and of course, what the all important inspiration has to say. But with my novels there is always a dark twist somewhere that can include an unexpected fight or perhaps an unwanted death or all kinds of violence just ensuing. Nobody ever said romance novels have to be boring.

So, where do I get the inspiration or ideas for my battles from? Well that is easy. Check this out.

(Click on the watch on YouTube link)

When there is a professional MMA fighter like this out there kicking a bully’s butt, then how can I not get inspiration out of it? The fact that he is good looking too (even with the beard) does not hurt either.

I don’t know about you guys but for me, there is nothing like male on male professional violence to get the writing juices flowing. 

If anyone is interested, the professional fighters name is Andrei Arlovski and you guys can find out more about him or visit him over at

Monday, September 3, 2012


I am so happy right now because I just finished the second draft of my second book. This book was a little harder to write than the first one, because I wrote certain scenes first and then just cut and paste them in the appropriate sections of the book. Now I added the loose ends and parts of the story that had been missing.

I am going to give the book a resting period of a month, before I officially start editing it. I think a resting period is essential, so that I can look at it with new and fresh eyes. I must say, I am definitely loving the fact that I have gotten to be in novel writing mode. It is definitely the kind of writing that I love the most.

What have you guys been up to?

Saturday, September 1, 2012


I started the first day of spring by taking a nice walk on the treadmill. Though, we can't tell it's spring because it is raining and it is cold. But, the walk on the treadmill did provide me with a great idea for the second book and I am on my way to go and write it right now. 

I also want to say a big congratulations to Andrei Arlovski! You kicked butt, I am so proud of you. 

Thursday, August 30, 2012


It is almost the first of September, meaning that it is almost spring here. Aside for the season change, is anyone else fighting the fast passing of the months?  I am not ready to welcome another month, as I have not even completed the list of tasks I have set for myself this month.

It does not matter how I feel. Soon I will be exposed to hot days and warm nights, regardless. I guess all one can truly do is sit back and just accept change. Hell, all I need to do to make life write. Writing always makes things better for me.

How about you? Is the months passing by fast for you too?

Thursday, August 23, 2012


I don't know about you guys, but I am very picky about the places where I write. I only recently moved my computer back in my room, due to the cold winter and thus, my amount of actual novel writing has improved. I think it has to do with writing in solitary instead of the living room where everyone can peek over my shoulder constantly.

Another thing that I noticed with me is that my writing mood and progress is also dependant on my surroundings and the desk I use. If I am not comfortable writing in a place then I can forget all about my concentration. I guess it is because I am somewhat of a paranoid writer.

So, what is my solution to all my writing weirdness?

  • Rearrange my desk (I do this often)
  • Buy new desk (I traded desks with my mom. Of course I needed the bigger one)
  • When in doubt, make over your writing space (Which I am in the process of doing?)
  • Change your desk location (Which I also tend to do often)

I know that my solutions are a bit extreme, but I have a limited amount of writing space and I need to make it perfect. I need to have my writing space feel like my sanctuary, my special place of escape. Right now it is dull and there is no prospect of great views or beautiful scenery in my future.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


It is late in the afternoon and the sky is filled with black clouds. The rain is pouring down by the bucket loads at the moment and the writing juices is flowing freely. I don't know exactly what it is about the rain that makes it the best weather to write in. Maybe it is because the dark clouds appeal to the darkness inside me. I am not sure. I guess it could also be because my characters always have an unknown darkness to themselves as well.

The freelance writing jobs are scarce at the moment. I haven't been able to get one in a month, but I am still trying. I guess the news of finding an agent could not have come at a better time, as it takes some of the pressure of being unemployed off my shoulders. My family are not so pushy about me going out and getting a real job at the moment. Though, the fact that I have an agent won't save me for long.

What is the point?

Today I was plagued with the idea, why? And why?  Everywhere these days there's a silent rule imposed by some invisible person or person...