Tuesday, October 23, 2012


I have put it off long enough and now I think it is time to finally start editing my second book. I have been putting off this process intentionally, as the editing process truly scares me. I learned a lot with the editing of my first book, but still...I am going to force myself to take the process extra slow, as I have rushed it before and ended up with far more drafts of my first book than I had wanted.

I know that it is a vital part of the writing process, though, it does not mean that I don't fear it. But on the other hand, the more you do it, the better you get.

What are you up to? What truly scares you about the writing process?

Saturday, October 20, 2012


Once again, thank you for all the kind words and well wishes. I will be visiting your blogs again, soon.

I just got back from a short holiday. It was a last minute thing and my brother and sister dragged me along, as they believe that my recent illness was brought on by stress. It was nice to get away from the busy and noisy lifestyle, but I still missed home. My vertigo is gone now (touch wood) and I hope that it will stay gone.

I have not written anything in what feels like forever and I am excited to write again, even if it is just one sentence. I have also had a lot of time to think about my current unemployed status and I have decided to go day job hunting again. Freelance work is unreliable and scarce, but if I get something, it is good, if not, I  must find another income. Basically I have made the decision that I have dreaded. I rather liked being a full time writer, even if I was a totally broke one.

My agent is currently in the submission phase, which is the process where she is doing everything in her power to sell my book to a publishing house. We have had two rejections thus far, but I am still very excited. I know that she is doing her best, which is all I ever wanted.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


I think the flu has left, my body doesn't hurt any more and at least the vertigo is not so bad any more. I can stand, or sit at my computer and type, though, not for long. Apparently I have vertigo due to some kind of ear problem, which I hope will completely disappear really soon.

I always thought it, but now I think I should say it out loud. I have the best blog followers! Thank you to everyone that wished me well and came to visit. I was truly touched and thus I refuse to stay in bed and feel sorry for myself any longer than I really need to.

A big thank you!

Thursday, October 4, 2012


Hey everyone!. I did not forget to post yesterday, I was just not feeling so well. I am really sorry for inconveniencing anyone who has stopped by and was expecting a new IWSG post. Instead of getting better,  I am actually feeling worse by the day, though I am only suffering from flu and vertigo,  I am taking a little time from blogging, due to health reasons, so I am going to be lying in bed and reading all your wonderful blog posts on my Blackberry. 

Friday, September 28, 2012


As a writer I have many story ideas. All the writers know exactly what I am talking about. I have a binder that is labeled new story ideas. But, how are you suppose to choose which stories to write and which to leave till a later date?

I have recently discovered my answer, as the answer might differ from writer to writer. What works for me however, is when a story becomes a must for me. I obsess over it and when I sleep, I even dream and think of it. It becomes such an overwhelming force that I know I must write it or simply drive myself crazy.

So I guess, the story chooses me and if it moves me, in any way, it is the story I end up writing. My new story, Arken men, has exactly that effect. It has me obsessing and writing like a crazy person. But I rather enjoy it.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Hi friends! How are you guys doing? I am doing well now, but I have been under the weather the past few days, so sorry for that and not being here.

I am working on a new book, which I guess you can call a romantic fantasy, mostly because it is a book about a Viking-like race, but it is not set in our actual history or reality, which can't make it historical fiction. Sounds complicated, I know, I have a headache just sharing this info with you.

Writing is going good. I just wish that I can have a little more peace and quiet, other than that, it is all good. What is up with you?

Monday, September 17, 2012


Visit other participants over at http://alexjcavanaugh.blogspot.com/

I really wrecked my brain with this one. For some reason I had trouble figuring out exactly what my favourites were. So here goes...

Movie Genre: It just has to be science fiction.

Music Genre: Definitely rock.

Books: This one was really difficult, but I will have to go with romance and thriller.

My guilty pleasure genre would be Music: I also tend to like folk music.

So there are my choices.

What is the point?

Today I was plagued with the idea, why? And why?  Everywhere these days there's a silent rule imposed by some invisible person or person...