Wednesday, April 3, 2013


It does not matter whether you are happy or whether you are sad, it is okay to cry. It does not symbolize weakness, but rather the expression of emotion. I know that for many of us showing too much emotion can seem like we are giving away too much of our pride, but every now and then, I don’t care who you are, you need to cry. It is okay to break down every now and then, have a good cry and just move on. You will feel better afterwards.

The Insecure Writers Support Group was created by the wonderful and talented author and blogger, Alex J. Cavanaugh. You guys can visit Alex over at

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


It is so easy for us to be really hard on ourselves and believe everything everyone else has to say. I don’t know why it is easier to believe what everyone else has to say, but we do tend to listen to other people. I know when we give our best and we have done all that we could, we still allow ourselves to think that our best was not good enough and that by some miracle or something similar we could have done even more. But what we need to tell ourselves and remind ourselves of constantly, is that our best is enough. We do not have to please others, just ourselves, so remember, your best is good enough.

Monday, April 1, 2013


Before I start my post today, I want to say a big thank you to Arlee Bird from Tossing It Out, who is the original person behind the A-Z challenge. Thank you so much for creating such a great blog hop and presenting such a unique and brilliant opportunity for all of us in the blogosphere to meet, greet and interact.

I have always wondered what it is that can make certain people just handle life and certain situations so much better than others and the answer I now know, is attitude. The type of attitude one approaches life and difficult situations with is very important.

I personally, do not have the best attitude around. I get frustrated easily, not to mention when people get difficult, my temper tends to flair. I am definitely the first one to admit that I could do with an attitude adjustment, because we all know I definitely need it. I can also surprise myself certain days by how kind I can be and the next day, when I meet someone that is obnoxious; all my kindness goes right out the window. Not to mention that one day I can be patient about my writing and the next day when I don’t get the results I want, I lose all hope and get dejected.

But for those of you that have that great attitude and that are always an inspiration to me and who makes me want to be a better person, thank you and good for you. You are just amazing.

Saturday, March 30, 2013


First of all, I want to wish all the A-Z participants the best of luck. It is definitely going to be tough, but it is also going to be a lot of fun.

Then, on another note, my family and I went to Newlands today to go and watch a rugby game and the experience was wonderful. Unfortunately my team, The Stormers, lost but it was a good game. I even got to see my favourite player Rynhardt Elstadt in action, even though I didn't manage to get an autograph or anything. It was just one of those really unforgettable experiences.

My favourite player, Rynhardt Elstadt 

(Picture courtesy of

Sunday, March 24, 2013


I did not think that it was possible but I am still changing and evolving. I thought that when I became 25 that I was now set in my ways and that my personality was fully developed and that would be that. At 27 I now realize that I don't know everything about myself and that I am still learning what I like and don't like. Not to mention that I am confusing myself these days.

I used to be the kind of person that would just go with the flow and adapt and try my best to fit in and not ruffle any feathers, but at my new job I am finding it hard to fit in and I am making no attempt to adapt. I am myself and simply refuse to conform. I know that is very selfish of me, but why can other people be their rude and obnoxious selves and I have to be the one who constantly smiles? Why can't I be the workaholic that doesn't like making conversation unless it is work related?

I am starting to like being on my own more and more and sharing an office with a women who constantly needs to chat is not helping matters. My taste in the kind of novels I read and write have also changed. I am not sure for how much longer I will be writing romance novels. I have become an even stricter vegetarian and the thought of ever going back to being a meat eater is now out of my mind forever.

On another note, I have written at least one post for the A-Z challenge and planned ahead for the others, but I have yet to write them. But what about you guys? How are things with you?

Monday, March 18, 2013


It feels good to blog again. My life has been crazy and not the good or fun kind. Work has become a much bigger part of my life and is demanding more of my time than I would like, but I am trying to push through, especially since jobs are so hard to come by in the first place.

I did it, I signed up for the A-Z challenge, even though I haven’t written one post to date and I know I should. I refuse to miss out on this experience again this year. I missed out last year due to work commitments and won’t do it again. I just have to think of what to write and how I am going to manage to visit blogs. But do it I shall.

My writing is going nowhere at the moment. I start something and then I don’t finish it, I just move onto the next idea, which you guys know is nothing like me. But I am sure I will figure something out.

What you are you lovely people up to? Got any news for me? 

Sunday, March 10, 2013


I am so ecstatic because I have just been awarded another award, The Liebster Award and this time I have the awesome Jai from And then…to thank for this honour. Thank you!

Liebster Award Rules:

1. Thank the blogger who presented you with the Liebster Award, and link back to his or her blog.

2. Answer the 11 questions from the nominator; list 11 random facts about yourself, and create 11 questions for your nominees.

3. Present the Liebster Award to 11 bloggers, who have blogs with 200 followers or less, whom you feel deserve to be noticed. Leave a comment on the blogs letting the owners know they have been chosen. (No tag backs.)

4. Upload the Liebster Award image to your blog.

Eleven Questions from Jai to me:

1.  If you could have a super power what would it be?
I think super strength would be great. There are some people I wouldn’t mind dropping a car or two on. (Just kidding!)

2.  Coffee or Tea?
Neither, because both stain my teeth.

3.  Favorite color?
Black or grey, anything dark.

4.  Why did you start blogging?
I wanted to meet people who like writing as well and to share my writing with someone.

5.  Who was your favorite teacher and why.
One of my college lecturers, because he genuinely cared about my future.

6.  Who is your favorite author?
J.R.R. Tolkien

7.  What kind of music do you enjoy?

8. Do you have a favorite movie?
Pitch perfect (for the moment)

9. What would be your dream vacation? 
My family and our pets spending time together. The location doesn’t matter.

10. What is your favorite healthy food?
My sister’s chef salad with lots of fresh vegetables.

11. What is your guilty pleasure?
I love potatoes and fried things, not to mention that I have a terrible sweet tooth.

11 Random facts about myself 

1. I tend to have a very short temper.

2. I can be really impatient.

3. Most days I like animals more than people.

4. I tend to be a loner. I don’t know why, but I like my own company.

5. I tend to worry about things, small or big. I am just a natural worrier.

6. I have completed four books to date, but only one is in submission condition.

7. I am afraid of people.

8. I can be a bit paranoid at times.

9. I don’t make friends easily.

10. I just recently started reading Stephen King’s books and I absolutely love his writing. He is rather straight forward, which is refreshing.

11. I listen to rock music to help me think. Something about the style of music is rather calming to me. I know how crazy that must sound.

Now, my 11 questions to the reward recipients.
  1. What is the worst job you ever had?
  2.  What is your favourite snack?
  3. What is your favourite TV series?
  4. Who would you like to meet? (Person could be dead or alive)
  5. If you could be any animal, which would it be?
  6. What are you most grateful for?
  7. What do you hate?
  8. Do you include exercise into your daily routine?
  9. Do you like animals?
  10. What is your favourite season?
  11. What is your favourite food?
Here are my 11 choices for the Liebster Award:

Andrea Franco – Cook -

Reina – Summers -

Ryshia Kennie -

What is the point?

Today I was plagued with the idea, why? And why?  Everywhere these days there's a silent rule imposed by some invisible person or person...