Friday, April 19, 2013


I have been raised to be a very understanding person and asking too many questions was thought of as a bad thing. Well, unfortunately, I am a very curious person, to a point actually, but I question things. I never accept simply what I am told. If someone tells me that something has to be done a certain way and it makes no sense to me at all, I will ask why it is like that. I think many of us have been led to believe that it is impolite and disrespectful to ask questions. But question things when you want and need to. Do not just accept something to be a certain way when you know it is wrong. Be inquisitive; ask questions, even of life. But never simply just accept things. It is just a waste of life.

Thursday, April 18, 2013


We all have a personality, even those of us that are thought of as being very boring. Our personalities are unique and our own. Granted, not all personalities match well with others, as I am a tough person, I am told, to get along with, probably because I like honesty and for things to be logical and to the point.

We all have unique personalities and we all see things in a different way and should thus be more tolerant of each other and our opinions. I always try my best to get along with people, but let’s face it, some people are just a lot harder to get along with. But never allow anyone to try and change you or your personality to suit them. You are who you are and you should be proud of yourself for that. Staying true to myself is the most important thing for me. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


We all have had and will always have obstacles in or lives. I wish that at some point they all just go away, but no, they are there and very real. Though, we can choose how we overcome them. There have been times when I just gave up and let life take its course and then there were other times where I had to fight really hard for what I wanted. None of us can avoid it, but obstacles will always be there, waiting to be overcome. We cannot let it get us down, we have to keep moving and just doing the best that we can do. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


How many times have we allowed one bad experience to influence how we live our lives from that point forward? I know I do it all the time. Many times we use our past as a way for us to not live in the future and I am guilty of that as well. But what I have found to work best for me, is to live in the now. Take it one day at a time, meaning not to worry about a deadline for tomorrow at the present moment, when there is nothing more you can do about it than you have already done. Leave yesterday where it is and forget about what you need to do tomorrow. Rather focus on the now and the few things you can do and change at the present. 

Monday, April 15, 2013


I have always loved music and I have always been singing along to my favourite songs, even before I could even speak. But what I love most about music is how it can influence how you feel. It can make you feel a vast array of emotions and has the ability to lift your mood when you are feeling low. Music has been an inspiration to me and has always and still plays a very important role in my life. I would not be able to exist without it. 

Saturday, April 13, 2013


We all have a different way of how we approach life and how we enjoy it, but I think many of us forget to be thankful for it. I know for a while I used to feel like I was here and that it was no great feat or blessing to be here, but having lived a while now and putting my teenage years behind me, I have found an appreciation for it. I am thankful to be part of this life now, because things could have been so much worse for me, especially knowing that there are so many who are sick and dying who wish that they can have just a day or even a few hours more to live.

Sometimes I feel like I could give them a few hours, days, weeks and even years of my life and health, just so that they can live a little longer, do the things they still wanted to do or achieve, or spend it with their loved ones. I always end up feeling guilty because I do not always embrace life to the fullest and thus do not experience all the wonders that it has to give.

Even though it does not always seem like it, life is a gift, no matter how brief or lonely it can be. 

Friday, April 12, 2013


I am a firm believer in Karma, which is why I will never do something to someone that I do not want done to me. Though, I do try to live a positive life and get along with all my fellow humans, the end result is not always that pretty. Having said that, I think it is important for us to at least make an attempt to live our life in the best way possible. Meaning, if you went to bed tonight and you can lay your head down knowing that you didn't hurt anyone or tried to cause a disturbance in their life, you did good.

Karma doesn't seem to like me very much in general, but it doesn't mean that it cannot work wonders for you. Just remember the idea of cause and effect. Other than that, best of luck to you. 

What is the point?

Today I was plagued with the idea, why? And why?  Everywhere these days there's a silent rule imposed by some invisible person or person...