Sunday, November 17, 2013

Everything is okay again, I am back

After two days of file deletions and new antivirus uploads, my brother has fixed the problem. He said that the malware somehow got embedded in my internet software and was piggy-backing on that. All of it is just too complicated for me to understand, I am just glad that the person who was making changes to my files can't do it anymore. My brother assures me that everything is sorted out, but I am still a little paranoid about being online, especially since he said that is how the malware got installed. He said that I might have visited a website or downloaded something that was infected. I just hope that this is all over. I kind of feel icky about this whole experience.

I have antivirus software on my computer, but I still feel kind of paranoid about keeping my writing on my computer from now on. I had a backup on the flash drive and I am thinking of keeping it there and working from it. I don't like the idea of someone just accessing my computer and taking a peak into all my private stuff.

Enough of my drama. How is everything with you?

Friday, November 15, 2013


Hey Guys

My PC has been hacked, so please ignore all blog posts that might appear on my blog until further notice. Also, I am not sure how much of my info was compromised, so please also ignore any emails from until further notice. Thank you.

Monday, November 11, 2013

My brain is jumbled

I am feeling really disorientated lately. My head is filled with ideas for new stories, learning new writing techniques and all kinds of other stuff. For some strange reason my focus is off and I am not really writing anything at the moment. The inspiration is fleeting, I guess. There is no doubt that I will get it back, it is just strange how unclear my ideas and thoughts are right now. Perhaps I just have too much on my mind.

I spent most of the day watching the series Bones. I recently started watching it because my family got me the entire series so that I can educate myself. After that I re-wrote part of my first chapter and ended up looking for freelance jobs.

Does your thoughts and ideas ever get jumbled?

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Finding your place as a writer

When it comes to writing, there are many types and forms, there are also various techniques and most of all, there are different levels to writing. I had thought that I was past the beginners level, but sadly, I am still very much a beginner and just as green as I had been when I had first begun.

In order for you to advance in writing, you continuously have to learn and improve your writing and your techniques. I had kept to myself all these years and did not know that I was making the same mistakes over and over, regardless of how many times I had re-written my book or how many drafts I had. Luckily I have been given the chance to learn about what I was doing wrong and fix some of those mistakes.

Finding your place as a writer can be tough, but it is important to know where you are starting from. Me, I am a beginner and I am still on the starting line, the only place I can go is forward.  

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Writing can be hard (IWSG)

Sometimes we all feel discouraged and writing can look more like a mountain to concur than a hill. I know I recently felt like this. But I read the road to publication by Sherrilyn Kenyon and I felt a lot better afterwards. If you ever felt dismayed by your writing, please, just read her story about her struggle and you will feel better, because if she could go through all that she went through and not give up, neither can we.

The InsecureWriters Support Group was created by the wonderfully talented Mr Alex J. Cavanaugh, so that writers could talk and communicate to others about the fears and insecurities that they might have. You can visit Alex Here, or if you want to join us in discussing our insecurities on the first Wednesday of each month, you are welcome to join by going Here.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Good-luck with NaNoWriMo

I know I am a bit late, but I wanted to wish everyone participating in NaNoWriMo the best of luck and I hope that the writing will pour out of you and that the creative ideas will come freely. Like always, I am not participating, but I will cheer you guys on.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Sunshine blogger award for me and for You

Can you believe that I got nominated for another Sunshine blogger award? I can't believe it. Mostly because I thought my blog posts were too depressing and because I have had emails from blog visitors asking me to lighten things up a bit. But I am really happy to receive this award again.

I have to say a big Thank You to Deanie Humphrys-Dunne for nominating me for this award. Deanie is a children's author of many books, including Tails of Sweetbrier and has a world of knowledge with regards to writing, horses and staying positive.

To accept the Sunshine Award, I have to:

  • Acknowledge the nominating blogger with a link to the website. 
  • Share 11 random facts about myself by answering the questions the nominating blogger has created for me.
  • List 11 bloggers I believe deserve some recognition. 
  • Let the 11 bloggers know I nominated them.
  • Post 11 questions for the bloggers I nominate to answer.

11 Questions for me: 
  • What is your favorite vacation place?
I like being at home by myself. When I am away, I tend to worry too much about whether my dogs and cat are properly taken care of or not. 

  • What is your favorite dessert?
I love cake! 

  • What's your favorite season of the year?
I love winter. It is cold, but I can snuggle up in front of the fire with a great book and hot chocolate.

  • What's your favorite thing to do in your spare time?
I love being a writer. I love creating new worlds and hanging out with new characters. 

  • Where would you most like to live if you could choose anywhere?
Somewhere quiet with a very low human population. I live in a very busy street, surrounded by noisy neighbours, which is why the quiet appeals to me. 

  • What's your favorite color?
I like black. I think it is more flattering to my fuller figure. 

  • What's the most exciting thing that happened to you this year?
I had gotten rid of a bad literary agent and now I am free again to make my own decisions. 

  • Tell us something about yourself that we might not already know?
I am a tattoo enthusiast. I only have one, but would like at least two more.  

  • Do you have a pet?
Three energetic dogs and a moody cat. 

  • What's your favorite kind of pet?
I love all kinds of animals, but not reptiles. I am sorry, but they make my skin crawl. 

  • What did you like doing most when you were little?
I loved the fact that it was okay to be playful and that make believe was allowed. 

Who do I nominate?
I am sorry, but I hate picking and choosing who gets this award. If you follow my blog you are amazing and you make me feel grateful for all the visits and comments you provide. If you follow my blog, please claim this award. You guys are all just so awesome!

11 Questions for you: 

1. What is your favorite food?

2. What is your favorite color?

3. What is your favorite TV series?

4. What kind of music do you like?

5. What is your favorite movie of all time?

6. What is the name of your favorite book?

7. Do you believe in aliens?

8. Do you believe in running, unless you are chased?

9. Do you love nature?

10. What is the name of your favorite author?

11. Do you know how to cook?

That is it from me. I hope that you guys won't be shy and will accept this award. Thank you for always being my friends and for being there for me when I need you guys most. 

What is the point?

Today I was plagued with the idea, why? And why?  Everywhere these days there's a silent rule imposed by some invisible person or person...