Monday, January 6, 2014

Writing is fun again

I simply cannot get over how inspired I feel again. I have new ideas for my writing and I am filled with a new passion for my old work. Keeping an eye on reality, I will say that I still have to work on my descriptive writing and showing more. The only way to get better is to practice the techniques I have a problem with. My strategy for taking the re-writes a chapter at a time is working at the moment. I am still working on chapter one, but I am taking my time and the feeling of not being rushed is nice.

Finding out that I lacked certain writing techniques was hard for me to understand and overcome, but I think I learned so much and that I will only learn more. Having actually learnt what my writing lacked helped me improve. It feels nice when one feels that sense of accomplishment and though I still have quite a way to go, I feel good about my writing future.

Once again, thank you for always supporting and encouraging me.

Friday, January 3, 2014

New year and a new start

The new year is finally here and mine is getting off to a rather good start. My family had totally blown my mind by giving me a brand new computer. I call it Sophia.

I have also started the re-writes on my book the Amaranthine and I am falling back in love with the book, much to my surprise. I am trying to apply the new techniques that I have learnt to the re-writing process, but to be honest, sometimes I fall back into old habits and I need to go back to read up on a technique again. But other than that, the writing part is fun again.
I also received the Super Sweet Blogger Award again, from the kind and wonderful Deanie Humphrys-Dunne. Thank you so much for this award. I always have a hard time deciding who gets what award, so like always, if you follow my blog, you are welcome to claim it. You can find out more about the rules Here. You guys make blogging fun for me and you are always there for me when I need you. All the best for 2014.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Merry Christmas and all the best for the New Year!

I want to wish all of you a very happy Christmas and a wonderfully prosperous New Year. I hope that you will enjoy the festive season with friends and family and that this will be a magical, yet peaceful time for all. 

Thank you for all the love and support in 2013. 

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

It is just one of those things

I have put it off for far too long. I have to start making the changes to my novel. For some strange reason I am frightened. What if I mess it up more than fixing it? But who cares...right? It needs to be done and the changes will make it better. I just have to take it page by page. Chapter by chapter looks freakishly scary.

On the other note, my siblings finally bought a dishwasher. I hate doing dishes, so I told them if they bought the dishwasher, i would load it. Well, the dishwasher arrived last week, but none of the plumbers we called to install it has pitched. How anti-climactic. So now, we will just have to wait till next year. What is one more Christmas of hand-washing the dishes?

My computer has been acting up again. Icons flickering and my computer putting itself on after it has been turned off and all that nonsense, so my brother suggested wiping the hard-drive. That sounded really great in theory, but the computer won't let us format it's hard-drive, or allow us to enter it's BIOS so that we can boot the computer with the erasing software. Now we will have to take it to an expert to examine. With the computer acting up, I don't want to work on any projects in case the computer crashes, or if there is still malware on the pc. My computer and I have been together for more than 10 years and knowing that it is a 2003 XP, I just can't seem to muster up the courage to get rid of it.

What are you guys doing?

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Check out The Fourth Wish

Lately I haven't had much to say or blog about. I guess I could just blame my lazy attitude on the fact that it's the holidays. But I'm still reading up on the many writing techniques, so I'm not completely lazy yet. 

You can get a free download of The Fourth Wish by Elizabeth Varadan on the 14-16th of December over here. It is a great read for kids from 8-12 years of age, but if you are like me and would like to treat the inner child in you, why not check it out?

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Insecure...or not? (IWSG)

I want to say a Big thank you to Alex and the IWSG team, who have been so wonderful this year and who have worked so hard. It has been really great being able to connect with other writers and share my insecurities and read/comment on theirs as well. The experience has really been life altering and a comfort. Thank you.

I have plenty of insecurities this month, mostly about my writing, but I am not going to talk about them. I am just going to accept that I need to work harder and rather worry about it all next year. For now, I just want to wish you all well. It has been fun this year and I hope that most of you will be feeling less insecure right now. If you are insecure, I am sending you a big virtual hug and hoping it all works out soon, so that you can feel better. If you are not insecure, I am sending you a big high five.

The Insecure Writers Support Group was created by the wonderfully talented Mr Alex J. Cavanaugh, so that writers could communicate to others the fears and insecurities that they might have. You can visit Alex Here, or if you want to join us in discussing our insecurities on the first Wednesday of each month, you are welcome to join by going Here.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Exciting day

Yesterday was quite an exciting day. I had quite a few driving challenges, but I made it through the day. I just took it really slow, ignoring the irritated drivers behind me and kept in my lane. Although my nerves kept chewing at my composure, I remained calm. If I panicked, my sister would have panicked too, as she is not used to people driving her around. Luckily my sister knew exactly where we had to go; it was just a matter of me never having driven there before.

I ended up spending most of the day in the car yesterday, taking my sister on unplanned errands, but it was all okay in the end. I didn’t have an accident, which I had dreaded, which is all that matters really. But let me tell you, I slept like a baby last night after all that driving. 

What is the point?

Today I was plagued with the idea, why? And why?  Everywhere these days there's a silent rule imposed by some invisible person or person...