Tuesday, September 9, 2014

The Trouble with Flirting by Rachel Morgan

by Rachel Morgan

Labelled a nerd for most of high school, Livi sees her first year of university as a chance to redefine herself. She can finally enter the popular crowd and maybe even land herself a super hot boyfriend. But Livi’s about to discover that the price of popularity may be more than she's willing to pay, and that what—and who—she wants most has always been right in front of her.

The Trouble Series
Forgiven (A Trouble Novella) *FREE*
The Trouble with Flying *OUT NOW*
The Trouble with Flirting *OUT NOW*
The Trouble with Faking *OCT 2014*
The Trouble with Falling *DEC 2014*


Rachel Morgan was born in South Africa and spent a large portion
of her childhood living in a fantasy land of her own making. After completing a
degree in genetics, she decided science wasn’t for her—after all, they didn’t
approve of made-up facts. These days she spends much of her time immersed in
fantasy land once more, writing fiction for young adults and those young at heart.

She is the author of the Amazon bestselling YA fantasy series, Creepy Hollow, and the lighthearted contemporary romance Trouble series.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Social media is not the enemy

As you all know, I fear technology. Mostly because it has this tendency to malfunction around me. But, i have decided to get over my social media fear and try and join at least the basic platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

Why? Well, many bloggers ask you to spread the word on those two platforms and I can never help because I don't have Facebook or Twitter. The other reason is that when I release my series, that I would want to share the release with a wider audience as well. Blogging is and will always be the type of social media I like best, but I guess one has to grow, right? I read that a lot of people don't read blogs and would be more inclined to read Facebook or Twitter. But it all scares me.

I already joined Google+ a few months ago and the only thing that annoys me is the fact that certain people only follow you so that you will follow them back and then they stop following you and in the end you are following thousands of people and only a handful of people are following you back. So maybe Google+ doesn't work like Blogging, where you should follow everyone back.

Okay, I am starting to babble. Hopefully I can join a few more social media platforms without any hassle or freaking out. What social media platform do you like? Do you think the concept of social media is scary?

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Just a thought (IWSG)

Dear Writer

You are talented.
You are special.
You are wonderful.
You are worth it.
You are appreciated.
You are loved.

Never allow others to convince you to give up on your dreams. Only believe the truth about yourself. Love yourself and be kind to yourself, always. 

The Insecure Writers Support Group was created by the wonderfully talented Mr. Alex J Cavanaugh, so that writers can share the insecurities they have and/or encourage others who need support with their insecurities. You can visit Alex Here, or if you want to join us in discussing our insecurities on the first Wednesday of each month, you are welcome to join by going Here.

Monday, September 1, 2014

The Watchers Book 1: Knight of light by Deirdra Eden

The Watchers Book 1: Knight of Light

In England, 1270 A.D., Auriella (pronounced yurr-ee-ella) flees her village after being accused of witchcraft. Pursued by nightmarish creatures, she struggles to accept the truth about her powers.

“The Watchers” are supernatural beings in human form whose duty it is to protect and guard mankind from the armies of darkness. Unfortunately, some of these Watchers go bad.

Deirdra Eden’s The Watcher’s Series is written in a traditional fairytale style with a young girl’s discovery of incredible, but dangerous powers within herself, a cast of humorous side-kicks, (including a dwarf, pixie and dragon) a quest for greater self-discovery and purpose, and villains of epic proportions.

Watch the amazing Knight of Light book trailer on youtube.

About the Author

"My goal in writing is to saturate my books with intrigue, mystery, romance, and plot twists that will keep my readers in suspense. I want to see fingerprints on the front and back covers where readers have gripped the novel with white knuckles!

Aside from writing, I enjoy jousting in arenas, planning invasions, horseback riding through open meadows, swimming in the ocean, hiking up mountains, camping in cool shady woods, climbing trees barefoot, and going on adventures."

-Deirdra Eden

Find Deirdra Eden and The Watchers Series online at AmazonDeirdra's website, Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, Wattpad, and Pinterest.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, August 29, 2014

The Thelum Series

I have had some time to think about my writing and what my writing goals are and what I wanted to accomplish when I hopefully self-publish next year. Well I have made many decisions. I am going ahead with my novel, The Amaranthine (previously known as Immortal: New Beginning). It is the first book in my series which I have decided to call The Thelum Series. I have completed the first drafts of two other books in the series and they still need re-writes and editing. So there will be plenty to do in the upcoming years.

Why The Thelum Series? Well, Thelum is a fictional world (like earth) I have created for my story to play out in and it is simply easier for me than writing about an actual country or city. It is going to be a paranormal romance/urban fantasy series written from a first person perspective. I know many of you are grimacing right now, but it will be good. At least I think the first book is taking shape nicely.

I am in the final stage of self-editing before handing it over to a serious romance book expert and to be honest, I am terrified of her opinion. Who is it you ask? My oldest sister. Now I know what you're thinking about her not giving me honest feedback, but when it comes to her romance novels, she is brutal. She should actually critique manuscripts for a living. She really reads all kinds or romance and science fiction and will rip my manuscript apart for unrealistic characters, loopholes in my plot and whether my book stands a chance in the romance market. After her critique (end of this year) I am hoping I would have saved enough to hire a professional or freelance editor (next year).

I just have to focus on the rest of the self-editing at the moment. I don't know why, but I have this really nasty habit of rushing the editing process. Slow and easy definitely works best for me, but now that I am at the final stage I am getting low on momentum at the most crucial point. But I will forge ahead. I will make it through. Even if I have to kick myself to get there.

So, what are you up to?

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

I got tagged for the Radiant Award

I am always thankful and humbled whenever I get nominated for an award or get tagged. Having accepted this award, I have to adhere to the rules, which are:

1. Give a shout out to the person who nominated me.

2. List 26 words describing me, starting at A, finishing at Z.

3. Tag 4 other people.

I want to thank Stephanie Faris for tagging me. It was really kind of her and her blog is a great read. She always has wonderfully useful content to share. Plus, she supports curvy women, so she rocks!

Now, 26 things words that describe me. Sorry in advance if I sound boring.

A - Awkward
B - Busty
C - Caring
D - Dreamer
E - Enthusiastic
F - Fearful (Most things)
G - Grateful
H - Hermit
I - Intelligent
J - Jealous
K- Kind (I like to think so)
L - Loquacious
M - Moody
N - Naive
O - Obsessive
P - Prepared
Q - Quirky
R - Romantic
S - Serious
T - Tenacious
U - Unpredictable
V - Vicious
W - Writer
X - Xanthippe
Y - Yammerer
Z - Zealous

Now to tag 4 others... You are under no obligation to accept this tag, if you would rather not participate.

Neurotic workaholic

Michelle Wallace

Hilary Melton-Butcher

Rebecca Bradley

What words would you say best describe you?

What is the point?

Today I was plagued with the idea, why? And why?  Everywhere these days there's a silent rule imposed by some invisible person or person...