Monday, May 11, 2015

We all start at the bottom, right?

I’m feeling much better after being sick with the flu for over two weeks. I still get dizzy when I walk for too long, but I guess it will take some time to get back into exercising. Thank you to everyone who wished me well. You guys are awesome!

Today I had a new experience. I had to close my bank account with the bank I had been with for ten years. Why? Because they couldn’t give me an account that could accommodate my unique needs. Because I do data for my brother I don’t earn a “wow” salary. Basically the consultant told me that I didn’t earn enough to have the account I wanted with the specific bank, which made me feel really crappy. I’m still a poor writer and might always be a poor writer, but damn, don’t be mean about it.

So, I went to another bank who could not only give me the account type I wanted, but they didn’t make a big deal about me not earning big bucks. They welcomed my business and when I went back to my bank to close my account, there was so much crap to go through before I could successfully close my account. But I am sorted out now and it was a very unique experience. My new bank doesn’t care how much I earn, as long as I can afford to maintain my account, they’re happy.

I’ve never actually spoken about the financial aspect of my life, but I am ready to now. I still live in my family home, which my brother now owns and because he’s a researcher, he needs someone to do his data (because none of his interns wish to do it), which I do from home. I also do a few other administrative tasks for him. In exchange, I get to live at home without paying rent and I get free meals and he pays my medication/ medical bills. Also, I have to help my mom out in the house and accompany her when she does shopping or run errands. For cash I do my oldest sister’s admin and her chores, which my mom insists all of us do (because she wants us to stay humble).  My other sister, the chef, buys my toiletries and whatever I need in exchange for me taking care of her and my brother's pets (which I count as my own anyway). I'm the youngest of 4 kids by the way, if you're confused right now. 

I don’t mind doing all of the above because I still get to have more writing time than I did when I had other jobs and I get to help my family out, whom I love more than anything. Living my current lifestyle might never make me rich, but I’m happy. Isn’t that what counts? I think so. Besides, my mom and siblings take excellent care of me. What more could I want? 
So, do you ever get treated differently because you don’t earn a lot of money? If so, what did you do about it? I’m curious.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Don't let the insecurity win (IWSG)

It is that time again, where we bare our souls and share our insecurities with the whole world. I’m not insecure this month, mostly because the flu won’t make me think straight. But I’m sending tons of virtual hugs to everyone who has insecurities this month, especially today. You can do whatever you set your mind to. How? Because you are awesome.

 The Insecure Writers Support Group was created by the talented Mr. Alex J. Cavanaugh so that writers can share their insecurities and/or encourage others who need support with their own. You can visit Alex Here, or if you want to join us in discussing our insecurities on the first Wednesday of each month, you are welcome to join by going Here.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Getting in shape

I didn’t mention this before, but for the past month and a half I started walking as a way to not only get in shape, but to also beat my depression. Its working wonders and I didn’t want to mention it here if I couldn’t get myself to keep doing it. Unfortunately, two weeks ago I got the flu and I’m still not recovered properly, so I haven’t walked in two weeks, but I’m anxious to get back to my walking schedule. I’m actually going for a walk after this.

My sister even got me a pedometer to keep track of my walking progress. It monitors the amount of steps I take, the amount of calories burned and distance walked, which is good. Luckily we have a long backyard and that is where I do most of my walking. I do laps of the backyard with my mp3 player providing me with great music and I actually enjoy it. More even, it is a type of exercise I don’t mind doing and when I feel stressed I go outside and go walk (pace). My walking has gotten the neighbors curious though, because they can see over the wall and want to know what I’m doing, or if I've lost my mind. As long as I work up a sweat and feel good, I don’t really care what my neighbors think. 

So, how are you feeling on this Monday? 

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Moving along with the flu

Congratulations to my fellow bloggers who completed the A-Z Challenge. You guys rock!

I didn’t participate in A-Z this year as I focused on my writing and actually finished the first round of rewrites for my second book in my Thelum Series. I was shocked to have finished it on Tuesday. Why? Because the one moment I was stuck and I few hours later I had figured everything out. Of course the tough part comes in the next round when I have to start cleaning it up and adding more description and so forth if it’s lacking, as I tend to be sparse on details.

For the first time I can remember my entire family and myself are suffering from the flu. We’ve been sick since last week and though we are better, we aren’t healed yet. It was kind of fun, because I had my siblings feeling crappy along with me and we were all lounging around the house watching movies and complaining about how crappy we felt. It was a funny sight. I think my delusional state while having the flu helped me finish my rewrites sooner.

Anyway, wishing you guys the best!

Monday, April 20, 2015

Once upon a Nightmare: A Collection by Cherie Reich

Excerpt: Cassie cringed at each bump along Tree Branch Trail. Gravel crunched underneath the truck’s tires, yet somehow the dilapidated vehicle withstood the beating. Squished between her best friend Mary and the door, Cassie tensed and tried not to hit anything or anyone as the truck vaulted over another pothole. She wished she had a seat belt on, but with two seat belts and four people in the front seat, it wasn’t happening. They should’ve taken her car, but it never would’ve made it on this backcountry road. Why didn’t they stick with the plan and not come out here anyway?

“How do you like your first off-roading adventure, Cassie?” Denise asked with the harsh laugh of a smoker while shifting her plump hips between her boyfriend James and her sister Mary.

“It’s great,” Cassie said without enthusiasm and with a whole truckload of sarcasm. The vehicle ran over a monstrous rut, and her head knocked against the window. She sucked in air through her teeth. Checking for a bump, she glanced over to Mary. Although three years younger and still in high school, Mary was Cassie’s best friend and confidante. Cassie had missed her most since she moved to Missouri for college. She leaned close to Mary’s ear. “I think we should’ve stayed and watched a different movie.”

“Me too,” Mary whispered back.

James slammed on the brakes, and the truck fishtailed to a stop.

Cassie pressed her hand against the glove compartment. Dashboard lights illuminated Mary’s grimace and her white knuckles from clutching the seat belt so hard.

“What’s out there?” Cassie peered ahead.

Title: Once upon a Nightmare: A Collection
Author: Cherie Reich
Genre: Paranormal Horror/Thriller
Release Date: April 16, 2015
Cover Art: Amygdala Design

Book Description: A monster hunts us. After hibernating for a decade, it’s ravenous. We long to stop this nightmare, but the end of the road is far. There is no waking up once a legend sets its sights on you.

Disappearances every ten or so years make little impact on the small town of New Haven, Virginia. Hikers get lost. Hunters lose the trail. Even when a body is discovered, the inhabitants’ memories last about as long as the newspaper articles.

No one connects the cases. No one notices the disappearances go back beyond Civil War times. No one believes a legendary monster roams the forests in Southwestern Virginia.

I don’t either until the truck breaks down on an old mountain trail. Cell phones won’t work in this neck of the woods. It’s amazing how much a person can see by starlight alone. So what if we can’t feel our fingers or toes as we hike toward the main road. How many more miles left to go?


Hear that noise?

Purchase Print/Ebook on Amazon! The ebook is on sale for $0.99 until April 30th.

About the Author: Cherie Reich has more books than she can ever read and more ideas than she can ever write, but that doesn't stop this bookworm from trying, even if it means trying to curb her TV addiction. She is a speculative fiction writer and library assistant living in Virginia. Her short stories have appeared in magazines and anthologies, and her books include the paranormal horror collection Once upon a Nightmare and the fantasy series The Foxwick Chronicles and The Fate Challenges. Reborn is her debut novel. She is a member of the Virginia Writers Club, Valley Writers, and Untethered Realms. For more information about her and her work, please visit her website and blog.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Already Home Cover Reveal

Already Home

A Maguire’s Corner novel

Title: Already Home
Second Edition: formerly Maguire’s Corner
Author: Heather M. Gardner
Genre: Contemporary Romantic Suspense
Publisher: InkSpell Publishing
Cover Design: Najla Qamber Designs
Re-release Date: May 20, 2015

Coffee shop owner Maggie Maguire doesn’t trust the new police chief her father hired to protect Maguire’s Corner. He’s a stranger, cold, bossy and annoyingly handsome. But, Maggie’s witnessed a serious crime and now someone’s trying to kill her. The man that aggravates her most might be the only one that can help her.

Police Chief Jack Munro likes his new job and his new town, and unfortunately he also likes the stubborn but beautiful town sweetheart. His self-imposed hands-off Maggie policy is about to be put to the ultimate test when he must keep her close to protect her while he tracks down a ruthless killer.

Determined to ignore Jack’s charms, Maggie attempts to help him unravel the mystery but when their lives hang in the balance she must decide how much she’s willing to risk to save the man she suddenly can’t resist.


Heather M. Gardner's love of books began on the hand-woven rugs of her small town library where her mother worked. There she had a never-ending supply of stories to read at her fingertips. As a teen, her favorite genres to curl up with were romance and mysteries. When she started to create her own stories, they were the perfect fit.

Heather resides in New York with her best friend who is also her husband, plus her talented and handsome son. She is currently owned by four stray cats. Heather's a full-time mom, works part-time from home, a chocolate enthusiast, coffee junkie, cat addict, book hoarder and fluent in sarcasm.

Blog: The Waiting is the Hardest Part

Twitter: @hmgardner

Goodreads: HMGardner

Facebook: HeatherWritesRomance

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Crazy Week

It was a really crazy week for me. My sister (the chef) asked me on Monday if I could possibly come in and help her out in the kitchen last week. Why? Because she was short handed and no chefs were available on such short notice. I was taken aback, because I've never worked in a professional kitchen before. The only kitchen I've worked in is my moms kitchen at home.

My sister was really patient and gave me easy tasks to start off with and at 12 pm every afternoon service started and I actually had to help her! She's very good and could probably have worked the whole week on her own, but me helping out made things easier for her. It was such a great experience, definitely one of a kind and memorable.

The bad side? It was hot as hell in the kitchen and my feet are still sore. Yesterday was my last day, but I'm still tired and my feet are still throbbing. It was surprisingly...a lot of fun. Hard work, but so much fun.

My sister doing her thing

My work station

What is the point?

Today I was plagued with the idea, why? And why?  Everywhere these days there's a silent rule imposed by some invisible person or person...