Tuesday, September 8, 2015

The Amaranthine is now available!

Its here! It's finally here! My first release is out in the world and I'm not freaking out. I can't believe that this day has finally come.  I could not have done this without Janie Goltz, my amazing editor and Jennie Bennett, my fantastic cover designer. Thank you for all your support. Virtual hugs for everyone!

Title: The Amaranthine (Thelum Series)
Author: Murees Dupé
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Release Date: 8 September 2015

Claire is sassy, human, and an outcast of society―who only wants to know where she belongs.

Alex is arrogant, selfish, and an immortal warrior―who thinks he’s prepared for everything.

Claire knows the world of immortals is where she belongs. As her guide and guardian, Alex finds it hard to resist Claire’s subtle charm. Can the two overcome their differences and embrace their passion for each other, or will the possibility of true love be lost to both forever?

Find your copy here:

E-bookKindle * Nook * Kobo * IBooks * Scribd * Inktera (Page Foundry) Oyster * Tolino
PaperbackAmazon * Goodreads

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Special IWSG Announcement and getting hold of my nerves (IWSG)

The IWSG Short Story Contest 2015

After the success of last year’s IWSG Guide to Publishing and Beyond, we decided to create another book. This time it’s a short story competition with the top ten stories getting published in the anthology.

Eligibility: Any member of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group is encouraged to enter – blogging or Facebook member. The story must be previously unpublished. Entry is free.

Word count: 5000-6000

Theme: Alternate History/Parallel Universe. That’s right, we’ve decided to go the speculative route. This theme has plenty of scope and we’re open to pretty much anything along these lines, except erotica or graphic violence.

Story deadline: November 1st 2015

How to enter: Send your polished, formatted, previously unpublished story to TheIWSG at gmail dot com before the deadline passes. Make sure to include your contact details.

Judging: The IWSG admins will create a shortlist of the best stories. The shortlist will then be sent to our official judges:
·         Laura Maisano - Senior editor at Anaiah Press for their YA/NA Christian fiction
·         Russell Connor – Author and owner of Dark Filament Publishing Startup
·         Candace Havens  - Author and Editorial Director for the Covet, Edge and Select lines at Entangled Publishing
·         Dawn Frederick – Literary agent and the founder of Red Sofa Literary
·         Alice Speilburg – Founder of the Speilburg Literary Agency
·         Michelle Johnson – Founder of Inklings Literary Agency and Writers' Center and Bookstore owner
·         Kendare Blake - Author
·         Lydia Moëd - Associate agent at The Rights Factory

Prizes: The winning stories will be edited and published by Freedom Fox Press next year in the IWSG anthology. Authors will receive royalties on books sold, both print and eBook. The top story will have the honor of giving the anthology its title. The winners will also receive an exclusive badge to display on their blog.

We’re excited to see the creativity and enthusiasm that’s such a part of this group put into action. So don your creative caps and start writing. And spread the word!

* * * * * * 

Today I am one of the co-hosts for the IWSG. Yay! My fellow co-hosts are Heather M. GardnerChristine RainsDolorah at Book Lover and Julie Flanders

I don't like trying new things. Mostly, because I'm afraid of screwing it up, and having everyone laugh at me. Also, I'm afraid of failure. There are many things I have failed at in my life, and honestly, I just don't want writing to be one of them. As you know, I will be publishing my first book soon, and I am terrified. I am all nerves. I do admit, it has gotten better, because I have been exercising, and so many of you have advised me to just chill. 

However, I have this obsession of doing things perfectly, even though I know there is no such thing as perfection, at least not for humans. But, what if there are spelling errors neither me, or my editor picked up (my editor is awesome by the way)? What if people hate my book? What if . . . What if.  

The truth is, I'm just really nervous. But this kind of anxiety and fear is also good for me. I have to learn to control it if I want to make "writing" my career. I have to experience this insecurity to learn and grow from it. It isn't a nice feeling, but I have to live and learn. 

If any of you think you can't write a book, or that you can't make your writing dreams come true, you can. If I can write a book and get it publish ready, so can anyone. All you have to do is believe in yourself and be determined to follow through. 

The Insecure Writers Support Group was created by the talented Mr. Alex J. Cavanaugh so that writers can share their insecurities and/or encourage others who need support with their own. You can visit Alex Here, or if you want to join us in discussing our insecurities on the first Wednesday of each month, you are welcome to join by going Here.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Getting back in the swing of things

Last night I decided to stop procrastinating and tackle my second book's rewrites (Thelum Series). I originally wrote it shortly after the first book and back then I was in the zone. I had the finer details for both books in my mind as I did the drafts for the second book. Well, last night I had to rewrite an important scene (if not the most important scene in the second book) and I was at a blank.

I knew exactly what had to happen or how it had to happen. What had me a little unsure was that I was a little uncertain about the main character's voice. I couldn't use words she wouldn't have used in book 1 and she had to think the same way, as in book 1. But I know I will get it right. I just have to get back into the zone. In order to do that, I just need some alone time. I can edit in public, but when it comes to the actual writing . . . I need to be alone. Solitude makes me happy. I have been in editing mode for so long.

As for my pending release, I'm scared. I don't really know what to expect. So many people have offered to help me spread the word, I'm in aw. Knowing that actual people will see my book is kind of freaking me out. I'm used to being the wallflower.

Also, to get rid of my anxiety I have opted for regular exercise. Yes, don't look so shocked:) I am dancing around the house these days, or walking again. I must admit, by body does feel much happier when it gets exercise. So far my depression is hiding, probably because my anxiety and nerves is kicking it's butt.

Don't get me wrong, I am not ungrateful. I'm just a chicken and most new things scare me. Have a great weekend.

Monday, August 24, 2015

I have the best friends

Thank you to everyone who offered to help me spread the word about my release. I am so grateful and humbled by your kindness. If you ever need help promoting, or spreading the word about any of your books, or projects, do not hesitate to let me know. I love helping out:)

Thank you, again.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Release date and anyone want to help me spread the word, please?

I have finally finished freaking out and could think rationally. I have decided on my release day being 8 September 2015. Yay! I still have to get the proof for my print book, but that's supposed to come this week (as I chose the express delivery option), which would give me plenty of time to make changes, if I needed to.

I also thought of ways to market my book and even though I'm plenty excited and want to get as much publicity for my book, I'm not going to have a blog tour. But, I wanted to ask if anyone will be willing to help me spread the word about my book, please? Don't worry, I will provide you with the post and you can post it on the 8th of September, or any day after that (I'm not picky). I'm trying to keep things as casual and relaxed as possible.

I feel a little weird asking for help with my own release day. Usually I like helping out others. I'm not very good at asking for help:)

Does anyone have advice for someone getting ready to publish their first book? I would appreciate it. Have a lovely weekend.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

My cover reveal

I felt brave today, so I thought I would finally release my book cover. I hope you like it.

I don't have an exact release date pinned down yet, but it will definitely be in September:) Cover design done by Jennie Bennett. Thank you, Jennie!

At this moment I'm both excited and fearful. I can't believe how everything has come together. Thank you, my friends, for always encouraging me and for believing in me.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Why do I do it to myself (?) and an award

Last week I was in work/ formatting hell, which was my own fault. Last week my brother gave me a large workload to complete before this week, because tomorrow, we are going to gather more data (insert eye roll here). So, I worked on the data during the day and my formatting during every other free time I had. I worked late very night, as expected. But what put me in hell wasn't the workload. Even though I knew exactly what I had to do with the formatting, I allowed insecurity and self-doubt to drive me to tears last week.

While formatting, I had an idea to look up some formatting articles and see what they had to say about formatting your book for print in Microsoft Word. Needless to say, most people were harsh. A few people even suggested that you can't get a professional looking book using MS Word. Well guess what? I was using MS Word and even bought two e-books perfectly explaining how to format my books in MS Word. Because I didn't have enough faith and belief in myself, I allowed all my hard work to come undone, because of what a few people suggested. I should have thicker skin by now, right? Wrong!

I didn't blog about my problem last week, because I didn't see why I had to infect the rest of the blogesphere with my negativity. And after many tears and sleepless nights, I made peace with the fact that I think my book looks good and that I didn't use any fancy software. Some people might feel I'm a disgrace to the self-publishing community, but I don't care. I'm happy with the final result. Having said that, I still haven't decided on a release date yet.

While I was losing my mind last week, Deanie Humphreys-Dunne awarded me with the Dragon's Loyalty Award. Thank you, Deanie! You are very kind.

The rules are:
Display the award logo on your blog.
Pass the award on to 15 deserving bloggers.
Let them know in a comment about nominating them.
Post 7 things about yourself.

My nominations
If you've left a comment on my blog this month, please feel free to accept this award. I don't pick favorites on my blog:)

7 Things about myself
I'm afraid of heights.
I could eat potatoes every day.
I don't like exercise, though my body probably needs it:)
I'm also not a lover of snakes, or anything reptilian.
I love music. I can't imagine life without music.
I used to be a ballet and modern dancer. (Contradicting myself on the whole exercise thing:)
I have a tattoo.

What is the point?

Today I was plagued with the idea, why? And why?  Everywhere these days there's a silent rule imposed by some invisible person or person...