Monday, October 12, 2015

In two minds

Today I'm in two minds. The realist in me wants to finish as much as I can on the day -job front so that I can put all my focus on book 2. Unfortunately, more and more works seems to pop up everyday. The creative side of me finds it hard to switch back to writing mode after doing hours upon hours of data. My mind simply doesn't go from realist to creative in a matter of minutes. It takes me a while.

Lat night I ended up only doing half a page of rewrites, which for me isn't good enough. But I guess every bit helps.

How is your Monday?

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

My insecurities are still there (IWSG)

Thanks to Alex and his co-hosts. You guys are awesome!

Hello everyone. Sorry I'm posting so late. I didn't forget, I was trying to multitask and failed.

Today, as a newly published author, I can say without a doubt, that my insecurity didn't miraculously disappear because I published. In fact, I feel more insecure. Why? Well, now I have to market my book. I have to ask people for help, especially reviewers, and I fear they can/ will say no. My oldest sister mentioned that this is the process where I learn the other part of the writing business, which is very true.

I have also been thinking of getting an author photo on my social media pages. I really want to do it because I want a more personal connection with my followers and potential readers. I like seeing what my favorite authors look like. That's just me. I might get a picture in the future, just not now.

I started my second round of rewrites on my second book. Things aren't going as fast, or smooth as the first one, but I expected it. I just have to keep going and stick it out. Also, trust my own judgement. I keep thinking "what will my readers think?" when I want my characters to experience something drastic. Like I said, my insecurities are still there.

How are you doing today?

The Insecure Writers Support Group was created by the talented Mr. Alex J. Cavanaugh so that writers can share their insecurities and/or encourage others who need support with their own. You can visit Alex Here, or if you want to join us in discussing our insecurities on the first Wednesday of each month, you are welcome to join by going Here.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

The author photo

I can't help but wonder, does an actual author photo make you more credible as a writer? I'm wondering this because every where I look writers are using professional authors photos on their blogs and social media and not just their books anymore.

I know one of my blogging/ writing hero's Alex. J. Cavanaugh doesn't use an actual author photo, but he's super awesome and I think the exception to the rule. I can't help but wonder whether the fact that potential readers don't know what I look like makes them feel like they are taking a risk on an author that won't even show their face.

I use a pseudonym and have never showed my face because of my family asking me to consider their privacy. Because me and my siblings always hang out a lot, they don't want people associating my writing with them, which I understand. We're very private people. Did I mention they've told all their friends and co-workers that I've published a book?  But I don't think the general public will come up to me and ask about my book. Mostly people don't pay much attention I think. Besides, I'm a nobody in the writing community. I'm the furthest thing from famous.

On the other hand, the idea of showing the world what I look like scares me. What if people use my photo for porn adds, or something crazy like that. Even worse, what if my my looks scare off potential readers:)

I have done research online and I can't come to an accurate consensus. One group says an author photo is essential for the modern day, as it gives readers the ease of mind to know that they are connecting with an actual person. Another group says you don't have to. It shouldn't make a difference, or that author photos are an 80's thing (what? I don't believe that).

Personally, I like interacting with people on social media who have an actual face. It's nice to know who you are communicating with, (of course I realize they could have bough a stock image and be using that). Okay, yes, I'm very paranoid. I was thinking of using an author photo for my Amazon page, and for blogging and social media, not on the inside of my book covers. Those shall remain plain.

What is your opinion on using an author photo? What do you think I should do? Any advice?

Monday, September 28, 2015

Doing my happy-dance for writing

Forget about being on top of the world. I'm on top of the plant.

Today I feel like I'm on top of the world. Why? Nope, I didn't sell a million copies of my book. But what I did do was get some serious writing done last night. I haven't written anything new in months and lost all confidence that I would be able to in the future. Last night I proved myself wrong, and I'm so happy, I'm doing my happy-dance.

It is surprising how much confidence one can lose when you doubt yourself and your abilities. I was honestly so afraid that I wouldn't ever be able to write anything again. I have been in editing and revision mode for almost a year now. Luckily I haven't allowed myself to get depressed. Every time I feel the depression creep up on me, I remind myself that I juts achieved my life goal, so there is no reason to be depressed, and if I do get depressed I would be ungrateful for all I have achieved. Honestly, chastising myself doesn't always work, but mostly it does. I'm planning on doing some more writing today:) Yay!

Do I have a new goal you wonder? Of course, to keep on writing and publishing. But not just that . . . but to actually write the stories I want to without thinking what will others say/think. I want to truly embrace my inner artist and gain more confidence as a person/ woman. Believe it or not, but I have a huge problem with self-confidence, much to the annoyance to the people around me.

How are you doing today?

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Mesothelioma Awareness Day

Today is Mesothelioma Awareness Day and a special lady, Heather Von St. James, is celebrating her 10 year cancer-free anniversary. Congratulations! You can read her story hereHeather could’ve celebrated this milestone in a million ways and all she asked was for me to make others aware of what Mesothelioma is. 

So what is Mesothelioma? 
It is a type of cancer caused by being exposed to asbestos fibers. Asbestos fibers just so happens to be invisible to the naked eye. The scary part is that it can affect anyone. So many old buildings still contain asbestos. My neighbors across the street still have an asbestos roof. For more info on Mesothelioma, please go here

Heather is such a remarkable woman, who looked cancer in the eye and beat it. She is a wife and mother, who wants to save as many lives as she can by making others aware of this disease. 

I wish her so much happiness and further years of great health. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Getting back and workloads

I am finally back to blogging after being on my promotional tour. Thank you again to everyone who helped me spread the word. It was definitely an amazing feeling having so many people help me. I didn't have to bribe anyone, honest:)

Having my book out in the world is a lot less stressful than I thought it would be. I'm not temped to check my sales regularly, or my author rank and so forth. I simply don't care about that right now. I set a goal for myself and I achieved it. Everything else is a plus. Work on book 2 is currently stalled. Though I'm not currently working on it, it hasn't stopped me from jotting down a few ideas. At the moment the book is at 66 000 words. Book one was closer to 90 000 words. So, I feel book 2 needs at least 12 000 more. I have a few scenes I had been holding back, and the experts say never to hold anything back for the next book.

I googled my book, just to make sure there aren't any pirate copies out there, and I kept stumbling onto sites that are apparently giving a PDF version of my book away for a free download. I know I should be freaking out, but I'm just trying my best not to have it stress me. In the modern day you can try and control everything, but things like this will happen. I can try to get those sites to stop, but tomorrow there are just three more. I have no idea how I'm being so calm.

My workload on the day-job front has increased exponentially. My brother is coming closer and closer to the deadline of his PhD and because I'm the one responsible for the data, a lot of stress falls on me. I have actually done all my bit already, but brother (the saint that he is) trusted his students with a large amount of data and now . . . I need to breathe, or I will freak out. . . I have to go back over everything they have done and do it right. They didn't do as they were told and now . . . I'm doing their work as well. But such is life, right?

What are you up to these days? Do tell.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Dynamic Writing 1 by Tyrean Martinson and what I'm up to

I want to give a shout-out to the awesome, Tyrean Martinson and her book, Dynamic Writing! Her book definitely needs some love. Congratulations, Tyrean!

Dynamic Writing 1- 161 Lessons for Middle School Students by Tyrean Martinson – is a full year curriculum for home or classroom use, studying journal, essay, fiction, and poetry writing. Available in paperback at Amazon. The First Fifteen Lessons Are Available for FREE at the website.

* * * * * 

Thank you so much to everyone who have helped/ is still helping me spread the word about my release. Thank you! And the amazing support I've been getting . . . THANK YOU!

I received 2 large batches of data, so I will be back to work. I'm beta reading a book for a friend, and trying to shape the second book in my Thelum Series into shape. I still don't have a proper title yet, but it's in the works. I've rediscovered my love for blogging and will be getting into a regular blogging schedule soon, so you will be seeing me around more often.  Thank you again! 

What is the point?

Today I was plagued with the idea, why? And why?  Everywhere these days there's a silent rule imposed by some invisible person or person...