Thursday, March 19, 2020

New Writing Desk

This post is a bit late. But I wanted to share my Christmas/ Birthday gift from my brother and his wife.

This is my new writing desk, and what I like is that there is space for me to place my laptop and my notes. I don't know about you, but I never seem to have enough space when I'm writing. It helps that there are two small shelves for storage.

So dear friends. What is your writing space like, and do you always lack space when actually writing?

Monday, February 24, 2020

The Executioner is now available

It’s here! It’s here! It’s finally here!

The Executioner is now available at all your major e-book stores. Here are just a few links: Amazon * Smashwords * Other 

It only took me five years to get here. There were times I really doubted myself, and my writing ability, but this fantastic blogging community always cheered me on, and believed in me. Thank you, my friends.

As previously discussed, I won't be doing all the marketing I did last time. Aside for showing off my books one my social media pages, I'm not going to bother with much else. I'm just going to focus on my next book. 

The Executioner

The past is never too far behind, or as innocent as it may seem.
Claire’s past is rearing its ugly head and threatening her life.
Alex has a love from his past who might wreck his future. New challenges are thrown their way can end both their lives, and that of those they love.

Most writers always have such nice custom images of their books. So I thought I would give it a try. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Another Angel Departs

On 10 January 2020 another one of my baby’s left this world. Her name was Abby and she was only a few months away from turning 13 years old. She was a beautiful soul, and my best friend. Even though she was my sister’s dog, I helped raise her since she was a pup, and helped take care of her until her dying day. 

As you know, I always talked about being a full-time babysitter, not just for Abby, but my brother’s dog, as well as my own. I big hole is left in our hearts. She had such a big personality, and everyone who met her couldn’t help but love Abby. She was just the most lovable character.

I will love you always.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

The Executioner Coming Soon

I finished the editing of my second book in my Thelum Series. Finally! Now its just the formatting, and other technical things that needs to be done. I have set the publish date for February 2020.

I have been tinkering on this book for 5 years, and its time I moved on. I'm ready.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

October Begins

Hello Friends. I did it. I finished my first round of edits from my editor. It wasn’t as bad. I just had to put my head down and get it done. Of course afterwards I chastised myself for not finishing it sooner. But oh well.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve been getting the strangest comments on my blog. People using the comments section to advertise their own site, or products. At some point it was one or two weird comments a day. Every time I deleted one spammy comment another would pop up again. So I activated comment moderation. So I get to choose which comments get published, and not. It is a relief actually, and so easy.

The day job has been keeping me busy, which is why I haven’t been around. A smart person would start writing posts in advance and scheduling them. Clearly I’m not smart (he he).

So have a good week. What is new with you?

Monday, August 19, 2019

Moving, but not as fast, and sabotage

I didn’t mention this before, but I got my manuscript back from my editor In June. I was so excited. I only asked for copy editing this time. And my brilliant editor, Janie Goltz, did an excellent job. I’m actually embarrassed about the simple mistakes she had to keep correcting me on. Things like, using British English, along with American English in the same manuscript. And not using the same spelling throughout.

However, I have had this bad habit of not pushing through the corrections as fast as I should. I could have worked through the entire book in a week. But I’m taking it slowly. I think I’m scared of publishing, and now I am sabotaging myself again. I also decided to read my manuscript as I was applying the change, and immediately had the urge to start tinkering with the manuscript again. I didn’t think it was good enough. I had simply deleted one sentence on page 3, and stopped myself from reading the rest of the manuscript. I had done the best I could before submitting it to my editor. But for some reason, as I was working on applying the changes, I almost gave in to bad habits again. Like rewriting certain scenes, and so forth. I’m not doing it this time. Not again.

I could make a quick search and replace all similar words. But I really want to take my time with it. Make one change at a time. Though I won't lie. I'm frustrating myself. And I know I have to start pushing, and motivating myself.

Why is it you think that we keep wanting to write the same book over and over, and then never moving on to the next book? Or is this problem just me?

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Angry at Social Media

When it comes to social media, I am addicted. Or at least I was. I don’t really do Facebook, unless I have to share news about my books, or something I am working on. Twitter not so much either. Pinterest; Sure, for research. Especially about items, or lifestyles, I will never be able to afford. Instagram is my social media of choice at the moment. You can say so much with just a picture, and a short description bellow, or not. Easy, peasy. And of course, I am getting back to blogging.

But I have come to really hate social media. 20th of June my Chef sister and I were in a car accident, on our way to make a delivery. We are okay. We both have whiplash, and of course our bodies hurt, and we are a bit black and blue. But what really bothered me, was that after we pushed away the airbags, and I was checking on my sister, I saw people crowd around the broken up car to take photos. Of the car, of us . . . It was perverse. Such a violation of privacy. My sister was unconscious for a while, and people were taking photos, and making videos, as I tried to wake her, and just find out how badly she was hurt. Nobody called for help, or the police. They just stood there. I had to call for help myself, even though I asked for someone to call the police.

Have we as people become so desensitized to trauma, or human life, and suffering that we just don’t care about anything, or anyone else anymore? Is privacy, and compassion truly a thing of the past? 

Not for me. I still try to be a descent person. I don’t live my life through a lens. I sometimes share certain aspects of my life, yes, but I decide which, and it’s about my author self. I don’t have any social media profiles for myself (personally), but the writer part of me does. I don’t do it for attention, even though I do get an adrenaline rush every time someone leaves a comment, or likes something I said (wrote).

I started using various social media platforms to spread word of my writing, and book. For business purposes (wink-wink) However, these days I don’t have much authorly news to share, so I mostly read what others are posting, and sharing. Cute cat/ dog videos. Nice quotes. The funnier, the better. Also, articles about archaeological finds . . . Stuff like that.

But I do fear that I have become so addicted to those daily funnies, that I will become one of those people that forget to be human. Who walk around texting without looking up, or to see where they are going.

I have wanted to close my Facebook account many times, but I have made a few fellow South African friends that want to know about when I am publishing again, wanting to buy the next book, and so forth. Facebook is their social media of choice. So I don’t want to lose the small audience I have built there.

Aside for blogging, I’m angry at social media. I will look, but not participate for a while.

How do you feel about social media?

What is the point?

Today I was plagued with the idea, why? And why?  Everywhere these days there's a silent rule imposed by some invisible person or person...