Saturday, April 30, 2011


This is my last post for the A-Z challenge 2011 and I just wish to thank all my new followers for following me through this tough journey. Thank you to each and every one of the visitors to my blog. A big and special thank you to the whole A-Z team for having made this wonderful event possible.

I don’t know about the rest of you but I am truly filled with a zeal for writing. I thought I would be tired but I am filled with a renewed energy and passion to want to get all my untold stories out.

Perhaps it has something to do with the love of my life and writing partner being back to his original form. Oscar, has been my companion since the first novel. Now that he is repaired and working like a well oiled machine I am happy. Oh, if I did not mention it before...Oscar is my computer.

Friday, April 29, 2011


You are talented.

You are beautiful.

You are unique.

You are wonderful.

You are loved.

You are respected.

You are brave.

You are a friend.

You are my inspiration.

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Xavier (pronounced zavier) is of Spanish, Arabic and Basque origin, according to

Xavier means: bright, splendid or new house.

It is a name that to me sounds very unique. It is a name that I don’t hear or read about often and I guess that you have noticed that I like this name. It is the name I am thinking of using for one of my new male characters.

Here is a little something I thought up.
Xavier’s naked muscular chest glistened in the bright sunlight. Droplets of sweat running down his strong biceps. I could not help but lick my lips as I saw rope after rope of his muscles flex and bulge.

So everyone, that is Xavier.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


It is only natural for me to like werewolves as well. I write paranormal romance so that is like a given. Though, I must admit I had to put my werewolf story on ice for a while. After New Moon by Stephenie Meyer, nobody seems to think my werewolves are original. Instead I get comments like “Oh, another Stephenie Meyer wanne be”.

I mean no disrespect to Ms Meyer, but for an aspiring paranormal romance author to not be able to touch on the werewolf or vampire subject is kind of torture, or at least for me it is. Guess I will just have to hang out with the nymphs and gnomes.

But, being the rebel that I am I think I will just write my werewolf novel and just stash it somewhere till it is safe to say the word werewolf again. Man, I have a long wait ahead of me.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


When all the other girls my age were playing with Barbie and dreaming about boys, I was watching vampire movies and begging my older siblings to tell me more about vampires.

In high school everyone was so focused on fitting in, while I was thinking of how to become a vampire. At the age of 16 I felt like my whole world came crashing down when I discovered that vampires did not really exist. Though, my love for all things vampire did not die with my search to become one of the un-dead. No, instead my love for vampires and almost all things supernatural survived and a few years later I wrote my first paranormal romance novel.

I still love reading vampire novels and watching vampire movies to this day, though I have heard many people say the paranormal romance market is over saturated with vampire books. I on the other hand believe I can never get enough.

Monday, April 25, 2011


This is the last week of the A-Z challenge and most of us are probably relieved. But I think all of us are thankful for all the wonderful people we have met. I certainly know I am.

Believe it or not I was completely at a blank for the letter U. It took me two days to remember that some of the best stories and characters are yet to be written. I know for a fact that I have quite a few characters waiting for me to tell their story.

Saturday, April 23, 2011


I love trees. I think they are just beautiful and mysterious. I love looking at them and taking photographs. I especially have a thing about oak trees. Don’t ask me why.

So, here are a few photographs that I have taken. Enjoy.

What is the point?

Today I was plagued with the idea, why? And why?  Everywhere these days there's a silent rule imposed by some invisible person or person...